Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru foaia de rulada: For the cake
- 5 galbenusuri - 5 yolks
- 55 g zahar - 55 g of sugar
- 3 albusuri - 3 egg whites
- 35 g zahar - 35 g of sugar
- 55 g faina - 55 g flour
Pentru crema de ciocolata: Chocolate cream
- 4 galbenusuri - 4 yolks
- 55 g zahar - 55 g of sugar
- 35 g amidon - 35 g of starch
- 350 ml lapte - 350 ml of milk
- 120 g unt rece - 120 g cold butter
- 200 g ciocolata - 200 g chocolate
Gramajul este pentru o rulada. Eu am facut 2, una cu ciocolata alba si una cu ciocolata cu lapte. Dublam cantitatile pentru 2 rulade.
Pentru inceput facem foaia de rulada: mixam galbenusurile cu 55 g zahar. Separat mixam alburile spuma tare cu 35 g zahar. Adaugam galbenusurile si faina. Incorporam cu miscari de sus in jos.
Compozitia o turnam intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si bagam la cuptor, la foc mic pentru 15 minute. Atentie, se face foarte repede.
This quantities is for one cake. I made 2, one with white chocolate and one with milk chocolate. Double the quantities for 2 cakes.
We begin with cake: mix the yolks with 55 g of sugar. Separately mix the egg white with 35 g of sugar. Add yolks and flour. We incorporate upward moves.
Pour the composition into a tray lined with baking paper and stuffing in the oven at low heat for 15 minutes. Attention is cook very fast.
Dupa ce s-a facut am rulat foaia de rulada in hartie de copt.
Crema: punem intr-o cratita laptele, zaharul, amidonul si laptele. Mixam bine si punem la foc mic. Dupa ce s-a ingrosat crema adaugam ciocolata bucatele. Amestecam pana de topeste. Punem in robot crema, adaugam untul rece si mixam pana se incorporeaza.
After that, I ran the roll into baking paper.
Cream: Put milk, sugar, starch and milk in a saucepan. Mix well and put low heat. After the cream has thickened, add the chocolate. Mix until melted. Put the cream on the robot, add the cold butter and mix until it is incorporated.
La fel am procedat si cu crema de ciocolata alba.
Intindem crema peste foaia de rulada si rulam. O punem in folie alimentare si o dam la rece minim 4 ore.
As we proceeded with white chocolate cream.
Put the cream over the cake and roll. Put it in the food foil and keep it cool for at least 4 hours.
Se serveste rece!
Serve cold!
Bon appetit!
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