luni, 18 iunie 2018

Cascaval pane / Breaded Fried Cheese

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 50 g faina - 50 g flour
- 200 g cascaval - 200 g cheese
- 100 g pesmet - 100 g breadcrumbs
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- sare si piper - salt and pepper

Taiem cascavalul in felii groase. Pregatim cate un castron pentru faina, pesmet si oua.

Cut the cheese into thick slices. Prepare a bowl for flour, breadcrumbs and eggs.

Pentru inceput dam feliile de cascaval prin faina.

First give slices of cheese with flour.

Apoi prin oua.

Then through the eggs.

Apoi prin pesmet.

Then through the breadcrumbs.

Dupa pesmet il mai dam o data prin ou si iar pesmet.

After breadcrumbs,  through egg and breadcrumbs again.

Bucatile se tin la congelator pentru 10-15 minute apoi se prajesc in baie de ulei.

The pieces are kept in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and then fried in an oil bath.

Se servesc fierbinti cu orice garnitura preferata.

Serve hot with any favorite garnish.

Bon appetit!

sâmbătă, 9 iunie 2018

Crema de oua la cuptor / Egg cream in the oven

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- unt pentru uns forma de copt - butter to grease the baking form
- 1100 ml lapte - 1100 ml of milk
- 8 oua - 8 eggs
- 150 g zahar brun - 150 g of brown sugar
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence

Avem nevoie de 2 forme pentru cuptor. Una mare in care sa intre una mai mica. Ungem forma mai mica cu unt si o introducem in forma mai mare.

We need two forms for the oven. One big and a smaller one. Grease the smaller form with butter and put it in larger form.

Mixam ouale cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie. Incalzim laptele (sa nu fiarba) si il turnam treptat peste oua, amestecand continuu. Crema o turnam in forma unsa cu unt dupa ce o strecuram.

We mix eggs with sugar and vanilla essence. Heat the milk (do not boil) and gradually pour it over the eggs, stirring continuously.The cream is poured in butter-shaped form.

Introducem forma in cuptor, turnam apa rece in forma mai mare si o lasam la copt aprox o ora si jumatate.

Put the shape in the oven, pour cold water into the larger form and leave it to bake for about an hour and a half.

Se serveste calda dar este foarte buna si rece. Eu am presarat putin ness deasupra dar puteti adauga cacao, cocos, ciocolata, etc.

You can  served it warm but is very good cold too. I have sprinkled a little ness on top but you can add cocoa, coconut, chocolate, etc.

Bon appetit!

vineri, 8 iunie 2018

Fettuccine picante cu carne de porc / Fettuccine with spicy pork

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 200 g fettuccine - 200 g fettuccine
- 200 g carne de porc - 200 g of pork meat
- 2 linguri pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- 50 ml ulei de masline - 50 ml of olive oil
- 4-5 catei de usturoi - 4-5 cloves of garlic
- 1/2 lingurita de fulgi de ardei iute - 1/2 teaspoon of chili peppers

Pentru inceput inabusim carnea in uleiul de masline si 2 cani de apa. Daca nu s-a patruns carnea, mai adaugam apa.
Dupa ce s-a facut carnea adaugam condimentele si pasta de tomate. Lasam la foc mic 7- 8 minute.
Fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet iar apoi le scurgem si le introducem in sos. Amestecam bine ca sa se acopere cu sos.
Se servesc fierbinti.

We fry the meat in olive oil and 2 cups of water. If the meat did not penetrate, add  water.

Add the spices and the tomato paste. Simmer in low heat for 7-8 minutes.

Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package and then put them in the sauce. Mix well to cover with sauce.

Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

joi, 7 iunie 2018

Supa crema de morcov / Carrot cream soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 5 morcovi mari- 5 large carrots
- o ceapa - an onion
- 2 cartofi - 2 potatoes
- un pastarnac - a parsnip
- putina telina - some celery
- 4 catei de usturoi - 4 cloves of garlic
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- 3-4 fire de patrunjel verde - 3-4 yarns of green parsley
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste

Curatam legumele si le punem pe toate la fiert.
Dupa ce au iert,le adaugam intr-un blender, adaugam patrunjelul verde si le pasam. Dupa ce compozitia este fina, adaugam smantana, sare si piper dupa gust. Mixam pentru omogenizare. Legumele pasate le punem intr-o oala si adaugam supa in care au fiert legumele pana ajungem la consistenta dorita.
Se serveste cu putina smantana deasupra.

Clean the vegetables and put them to boil.

After they boiled, add them in a blender, add the green  parsley and mix them. After the composition is fine, add sour cream, salt and pepper to taste. Mix them. Put the composition in a pot and add the soup in which the vegetables were boiled until we reach the desired consistency.

Serve with a little sour cream on top.

Bon appetit!

duminică, 3 iunie 2018

Fettuccine all' Alfredo

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 350 g paste fettuccine - 350 g fresh fettuccine
- 50 g unt - 50 g butter
- 200 ml smantana - 200 ml double cream
- 50 g parmezan  si inca putin pentru servit- 50 g freshly grated Parmesan cheese, plus extra to serve
- sare si piper - salt & pepper

Topim untul intr-o tigaie inalta. Adaugam smantana pentru gatit si lasam la foc mic 5 minute , amestecand continuu. Apoi, adaugam parmezanul ras, sare si piper.
Fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet. Le scurgem bine si pe punem in tigaia cu sos. Amestecam bine pana le imbracam in sosul cremos.
Se servesc imediat cu extra parmezan si un mix de piper deasupra.

Melt the butter in a large pan. Add the cream and bring it to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes , stirring constantly, then add the Parmesan cheese, with salt and pepper to taste, and turn off the heat under the pan.
Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet. Drain well. Put the pasta in to the creamy sauce and toss until it is well coated.
Serve immediately, with rxtra Parmesan handed around separately and pepper mix.

Bon appetit!

Fursecuri cu chipsuri de ciocolata / Chocolate chip cookies by Nigella

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 150 g unt moale - 150 g butter
- 125 g zahar brun - 125 g soft light brown sugar
- 100 g zahar tos - 100 g caster sugar
- 2 lingurite de esenta de vanilie - 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1 ou rece - 1 egg (fridge-cold)
- 1 galbenus rece - 1 egg yolk (fridge-cold)
- 300 g faina - 300 g flour
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 300 g chisuri de ciocolata sau bucati de ciocolata - 300 g chocolate morsels or chips

Incalziti cuptorul la 170 grade C (treapta 3).
Se topeste untul si  se lasa sa se raceasca. Se bat ouale cu zaharul si vanilia pana devin cremoase. Se adauga treptat untul topit. Incorporeaza usor faina si bicarbonatul pana cand se omogenizeaza, apoi incorporeaza chipsurile de ciocolata.

Preheat the oven to 170 grade C.
Melt the butter and let it cool a bit.  Beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla until your mixture is light and creamy. Add the butter. Slowly mix in the flour and bicarb until just blended, the fold in the chocolate chips.

Folosind o cupa de inghetata, luam mici cantitati de aluat si punem pe hartia de copt cu o distanta de aprox. 8 cm intre ele.

Use an icecream scoop and drop on the prepared baking sheet, plopping the cookies down about 8cm apart.

Se lasa la copt, timp de 15-17 minute sau pana cand sunt usor rumenite la suprafata. Inainte de a le muta pe un gratar, se lasa sa se raceasca 5 minute in tava de copt.

Bake for 15-17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are lightly toastes, Cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to wire racks.

Bon appetit!