duminică, 3 iunie 2018

Fursecuri cu chipsuri de ciocolata / Chocolate chip cookies by Nigella

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 150 g unt moale - 150 g butter
- 125 g zahar brun - 125 g soft light brown sugar
- 100 g zahar tos - 100 g caster sugar
- 2 lingurite de esenta de vanilie - 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1 ou rece - 1 egg (fridge-cold)
- 1 galbenus rece - 1 egg yolk (fridge-cold)
- 300 g faina - 300 g flour
- 1/2 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu - 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
- 300 g chisuri de ciocolata sau bucati de ciocolata - 300 g chocolate morsels or chips

Incalziti cuptorul la 170 grade C (treapta 3).
Se topeste untul si  se lasa sa se raceasca. Se bat ouale cu zaharul si vanilia pana devin cremoase. Se adauga treptat untul topit. Incorporeaza usor faina si bicarbonatul pana cand se omogenizeaza, apoi incorporeaza chipsurile de ciocolata.

Preheat the oven to 170 grade C.
Melt the butter and let it cool a bit.  Beat the eggs with sugar and vanilla until your mixture is light and creamy. Add the butter. Slowly mix in the flour and bicarb until just blended, the fold in the chocolate chips.

Folosind o cupa de inghetata, luam mici cantitati de aluat si punem pe hartia de copt cu o distanta de aprox. 8 cm intre ele.

Use an icecream scoop and drop on the prepared baking sheet, plopping the cookies down about 8cm apart.

Se lasa la copt, timp de 15-17 minute sau pana cand sunt usor rumenite la suprafata. Inainte de a le muta pe un gratar, se lasa sa se raceasca 5 minute in tava de copt.

Bake for 15-17 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are lightly toastes, Cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to wire racks.

Bon appetit!

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