duminică, 24 noiembrie 2019
Friganele, mic dejunul copilariei noastre.
French pancakes, breakfast our childhood.
Ingrediente / Ingredients;
- 6 felii de paine - 6 slices of bread
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 250 ml lapte - 250 ml milk
- 50 g unt - 50 g butter
Feliile de paine se inmoaie in lapte se dau prin ou batut si se rumenesc in in unt topit la foc mic.
The slices of bread are soaked in milk,put in beaten egg and browned in melted butter in a small heat.
Se lasa 2-3 minute pe ambele parti pana se rumenesc frumos.
Fry for 2-3 minutes on both sides until nicely browned.
Bon appetit!
joi, 21 noiembrie 2019
Somon cu rozmarin pe pat de ciuperci / Salmon with rosemary on a mushroom bed
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 4 felii de somon - 4 slices of salmon
- rozmarin - rosemary
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- 10 catei de usturoi - 10 cloves of garlic
- 500 g de ciuperci - 500 g of mushrooms
- marar - dill
- cateva rosii cherry - some cherry tomatoes
Intr-o tava pentru cuptor asezam ciupercile feliate. Presaram sare, piper, marar si 5 catei de usturoi striviti. Deasupra punem marar tocat.
Peste ciuperci aszam feliile de somon, presaram sare si piper dupa gust, rozmarinul si restul de usturoi. Asezam si rosiile cherry si stropim cu ulei de masline.
Dam la cuptor pana se rumenesc bine.
In a baking tray place the sliced mushrooms. Sprinkle salt, pepper, dill and 5 cloves of crushed garlic. Above we put chopped dill.
Over the mushrooms place the slices of salmon, sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, rosemary and garlic. We place cherry tomatoes and sprinkle with olive oil.
I bake in the oven until they brown well.
Bon Appetite!
marți, 19 noiembrie 2019
Pui shanghai / Shanghai chicken
Am pregatit o reteta aparte de pui shanghai si va garantez ca a iesit senzationala. Nu am folosit susan si sos de soia ca in reteta originala dar a iesit foarte gustoasa.
I have prepared a special recipe for shanghai chicken and I guarantee that it came out sensational. I did not use sesame and soy sauce as in the original recipe but it came out very tasty.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 piepti de pui - 2 chicken breasts
- 150 g amidon din cartofi - 150 g potato starch
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- o lingura de mustar - a tablespoon of mustard
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- o lingura de usturoi granulat - one tablespoon of granulated garlic
Amestecam ouale cu amidonul, usturoiul, mustarul , sare si piper.
Mix eggs with starch, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper.
Pieptul de pui il taiem fasii subtiri, il dam prin acest amestec si il prajim in baie de ulei pana se rumenesc bine.
Cut in slices the chicken breast and give it from mixture and frying it in oil bath until crisp well.
Serviti cu garnitura preferata. Eu am facut un piure de cartofi.
Serve with your favorite garnish. I made a mashed potato.
Bon appetit!
luni, 18 noiembrie 2019
Pui cu cimbru si bere / Chicken with thyme and beer
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un pui intreg - one chicken
- 100 g unt - 100 g butter
- 2 linguri cimbru - 2 tablespoons thyme
- o capatana de usturoi - garlic
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- 500 ml de bere neagra - 500 ml of black beer
Frecam untul cu cimbru , sare si piper. Ungem puiul cu tot amestecul. Eu l-am pus intr-o tava speciala pentru pui rotisat sau pui pe sticla.
Mix the butter with thyme, salt and pepper. Grease the chicken with the mixture. I put it in a special tray for rotated chicken or chicken on the glass.
Berea si usturoiul le punem in tava si mai ungem puiul din cand in cand. Lasam la cuptor cca o ora si jumatate.
We put the beer and garlic in the tray and grease the chicken from time to time. Leave in the oven for about an hour and a half.
Se serveste cu garnitura preferata. Eu am facut o salata verde, cartofi prajiti si tzatiki.
Served with the favorite garnish. I made a green salad, fries and tzatiki.
Bon appetit!
duminică, 17 noiembrie 2019
Noodles bolognese
Ingredients / ingredients:
- 350 g noodles - 350 g noodles
- 500 g carne de vita - 500 g beef
- 200 ml vin alb - 200 ml white wine
- 150 g pasta de tomate - 150 g tomato paste
- o ceapa, un morcov - an onion, a carrot
- boia afumata - smoked paprika
- sare, piper, oregano si cimbru dupa gust- salt, pepper, oregano and thyme to taste
Calim ceapa si morcovul, adaugam carnea tocata si lasam la foc potrivit cca 20 min. Adaugam vinul, condimentele si pasta de tomate si lasam la foc mic cca 2 ore. Verificam mereu sa nu ramane fara sos. Daca se intampla asta, adauga cate putina apa.
Fierbem pastele conform indicatiilor de pe pachet si le adaugam peste carne. Eu am folosit niste noodles luati din Grecia, de la producatori locali.
Fried onions and carrots, add minced meat and let on heat for about 20 minutes. Add wine, spices and tomato paste and leave on low heat for about 2 hours. We always check not to run out of sauce. If this happens, add a little water.
Boil the pasta according to the directions on the package and add them to the meat. I used some noodles from Greece, from local producers.
Amestecam pastele si le servim cu parmezan ras.
Mix the pasta and serve with grated parmesan.
Bon Appetite!
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