Ingredients / ingredients:
- 350 g noodles - 350 g noodles
- 500 g carne de vita - 500 g beef
- 200 ml vin alb - 200 ml white wine
- 150 g pasta de tomate - 150 g tomato paste
- o ceapa, un morcov - an onion, a carrot
- boia afumata - smoked paprika
- sare, piper, oregano si cimbru dupa gust- salt, pepper, oregano and thyme to taste
Calim ceapa si morcovul, adaugam carnea tocata si lasam la foc potrivit cca 20 min. Adaugam vinul, condimentele si pasta de tomate si lasam la foc mic cca 2 ore. Verificam mereu sa nu ramane fara sos. Daca se intampla asta, adauga cate putina apa.
Fierbem pastele conform indicatiilor de pe pachet si le adaugam peste carne. Eu am folosit niste noodles luati din Grecia, de la producatori locali.
Fried onions and carrots, add minced meat and let on heat for about 20 minutes. Add wine, spices and tomato paste and leave on low heat for about 2 hours. We always check not to run out of sauce. If this happens, add a little water.
Boil the pasta according to the directions on the package and add them to the meat. I used some noodles from Greece, from local producers.
Amestecam pastele si le servim cu parmezan ras.
Mix the pasta and serve with grated parmesan.
Bon Appetite!
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