marți, 19 noiembrie 2019
Pui shanghai / Shanghai chicken
Am pregatit o reteta aparte de pui shanghai si va garantez ca a iesit senzationala. Nu am folosit susan si sos de soia ca in reteta originala dar a iesit foarte gustoasa.
I have prepared a special recipe for shanghai chicken and I guarantee that it came out sensational. I did not use sesame and soy sauce as in the original recipe but it came out very tasty.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 piepti de pui - 2 chicken breasts
- 150 g amidon din cartofi - 150 g potato starch
- sare si piper dupa gust - salt and pepper to taste
- o lingura de mustar - a tablespoon of mustard
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- o lingura de usturoi granulat - one tablespoon of granulated garlic
Amestecam ouale cu amidonul, usturoiul, mustarul , sare si piper.
Mix eggs with starch, garlic, mustard, salt and pepper.
Pieptul de pui il taiem fasii subtiri, il dam prin acest amestec si il prajim in baie de ulei pana se rumenesc bine.
Cut in slices the chicken breast and give it from mixture and frying it in oil bath until crisp well.
Serviti cu garnitura preferata. Eu am facut un piure de cartofi.
Serve with your favorite garnish. I made a mashed potato.
Bon appetit!
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