luni, 6 iulie 2015

Tort cu mousse de ciocolata alba si zmeura / White chocolate mousse and raspberry cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

 Pentru blat: For the dough:
 - 5 oua   - 5 eggs
- o cana de zahar - A cup of sugar
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- un praf de copt - Baking powder
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons oil
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla

Mousse de mascarpone si ciocolata alba: Mascarpone and white chocolate mousse:
- 500 g mascarpone - 500g mascarpone
- 300 ml frisca lichida - 300 ml liquid cream
- 10 gr gelatina - 10 g gelatin
- 200 gr ciocolata alba - 200 g white chocolate
- 300 gr zmeura proaspata - 300g fresh raspberries

Mousse de zmeura: Raspberry Mousse:
- 250 ml frisca lichida - 250 ml liquid cream
- 600 gr zmeura proaspata - 600 g fresh raspberries
- 4 linguri de zahar - 4 tablespoons sugar
- 10 gr de gelatina - 10 grams of gelatin

Jeleu de zmeura: Raspberry Jelly:
- oprim o cescuta de piure de zmeura din mousseul de zmeura - Keep a cup of raspberry puree of raspberries mousseul
- o lingurita de gelatina - A teaspoon of gelatin

Pentru inceput facem un blat din ingredientele respective. Batem albusurile spuma tare impreuna cu zaharul. Separat batem galbenusurile pana se albesc. Le adaugam peste albusuri si amestecam usor cu o paleta. Adaugam faina, esenta si praful de copt. Amestecam usor pana se incorporeaza toate ingredientele. Lasam la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.

First make the dought from those ingredients. Beat  whites egg with sugar . Separately beat the egg yolks until they turn white. We add over whites egg and mix gently with a palette. Add flour, essence and baking powder. Mix gently until it incorporates all ingredients. Leave in the oven until toothpick test passes.

Pentru mousseul de ciocolata alba mixam mascarponele pana devine cremos.Adaugam ciocolata alba topita si continuam sa mixam. Adaugam frisca si la urma gelatina hidratata conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj. Adaugam zmeura si amestecam usor ca sa nu o strivim.

For white chocolate mousseul mix mascarpone  until become creamy Add melted white chocolate  and continue mixing. Add cream and gelatin after is  hydrated  . Add raspberries and stir gently so he would not crush.

Pentru mousseul de zmeura punem intr-o craticioara zmeura impreuna cu zaharul si o lasam pana foc pana devine un gem. Strecuram piureul de seminte cu ajutorul unei site. Acest piure il turnam peste frisca batuta si gelatina hidratata.

For raspberry mousse put raspberries in a saucepan with sugar and leave it on fire until it becomes a jam. Strain the puree seeds using a sieve. This puree poured over whipped cream and gelatin hydrated.

Blatul il taiem in doua. Punem prima parte intr-o forma cu pereti detasabili, adaugam mousseul de ciocolata alba, adaugam a doua felie de blat s i mousseul de zmeura.

Cut the dough  in half. Put first part in a form with removable walls add white chocolate mousseul  , add the second slice and raspberry mousse.

Pentru jeleu, hidratam gelatina direct in piureul de zmeura si il turnam deasupra.

For jelly, hydrated gelatin  directly in raspberry puree and pour it over.

Il ornam cu zmeura proaspata , iar dupa ce scoatem peretii detasabili, putina frisca.

Decorate with fresh raspberries and after we remove removable walls, a little whipped cream.

Pofta buna!

Bon Appetite!

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