vineri, 18 septembrie 2015

Cotlet de porc la tigaie in sos de smantana / Fried pork chops in cream sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 7 felii de cotlet - 7 slices of steak
- 200 ml smantana pentru gatit - 200 ml cooking cream
- 50 g parmezan - 50 g parmesan
- o lingurita de salvie uscata - A teaspoon of dried sage
- o lingurita de piper roz - A teaspoon of pink pepper
- o cutie de ciuperci - A box of mushrooms
- o lingurita de usturoi granulat - A teaspoon granulated garlic
- o lingurita de ceapa granulata - A teaspoon of granulated onion
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter

Topim untul intr-o tigaie si punem feliile de cotlet la prajit.

Melt the butter in a pan and put chop slices to fry.

Dupa ce s-au prajit le scoatem si in sosul format punem ciupercile, usturoiul, ceapa si salvia. Le rumenim 2-3 minute.

After we have fried them  put the mushrooms in sauce add  garlic, onion and sage. Fry 2-3 minutes.

Adauga, smantana si parmezanul.

Add sour cream and Parmesan cheese.

Dupa 3 minute adaugam carnea si mai lasam 3-4 minute.

After 3 minutes add the meat and leave 3-4 minutes to boil tha sauce.

Se serveste fierbinte.

Pofta buna!

Serve hot.

Bon Appetite!

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