vineri, 31 august 2012

Pui in vas roman / Chicken in clay pot

- un pui
- o lingura de mustar
- o lingura de ketchup
- usturoi
-ardei iute
- cimbru

Pentru umplutura:
- cartofi
- ciuperci
- unt
- usturoi
- ardei iute
- rozmarin
- oregano


- A chicken
- A tablespoon of mustard
- A tablespoon of ketchup
- Garlic
- thyme

For the filling:

- potatoes
- mushrooms
- butter
- Garlic
- Pepper
- rosemary
- oregano

 Facem un sos din mustar, ketchup si ardei iute.

Make a sauce of mustard, ketchup and chilli.

Ungem puiul cu acest sos. Introducem in interiorul puiului cativa catei de usturoi.

Brush chicken with the sauce. Stuffing inside the chicken a few cloves of garlic.

Punem puiul in vasul de lut.

Put chicken in clay pot.

Amestecam untul cu usturoi pisat, rozmarin, oregano si ardei iute.

Mix butter with garlic, rosemary, oregano and pepper.

Taiem cartofii in cubulete si ii ungem cu acest amestec.

Cut potatoes into cubes and anoint them with this mixture.

Umplem puiul cu ciuperci, iar cartofii ii punem pe langa pui.

Fill chicken with mushrooms and put the potatoes beside chicken.

Se lasa la foc mic, pana se rumeneste puiul.

Leave in the oven until  chicken is cooked well.

Pofta buna!

miercuri, 29 august 2012

Spaghete cu ciuperci si sos de branza / Pasta with mushrooms and cheese sauce

- 200g paste
- 4 triunghiuri branza topita
- 50g telemea
- 50 g cascaval
- ardei iute
- 3 linguri de lapte
- 2 linguri de smantana
- ciuperci
- parmezan


- 200g pasta
- 4 triangles melted cheese
- 50g gauda cheese
- 50 g cheese
- Pepper
- 3 tablespoons milk
- 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- mushrooms

- parmesan

Intr-o tigaie, punem cubuletele de branza topita, telemeaua, cascavalul, smantana, ardei iute si 2 linguri de ulei. 
In a pan,we  put cheese cubes , gouda cheese, cheese, sour cream, pepper and 2 tablespoons oil.

Lasam la foc mica pana se topeste toata branza.
Let at the small fire until all cheese melts.

Daca sosul este prea gros adaugam lapte. Spre sfarsitul prepararii adaugam si ciupercile.

If the sauce is too thick add milk. Towards the end of cooking add the mushrooms.

Adaugam spaghetele, lasam 2-3 minute, si sunt gata de servire.

Add pasta, leave for 2-3 minutes, and are ready to serve.
Se servesc imediat cu parmezan ras.
Serve immediately with Parmesan .

Pofta buna!

luni, 27 august 2012

Salata de fasole / Bean salad

- fasole boabe fiarta
- rosii
- castraveti
- ceapa rosie
- sos de soia
- gogosari in otet
- ulei cu aroma de busuioc sau busuioc proaspat


- Beans
- tomato
- cucumbers
- Red onion
- Soy sauce
- Peppers in vinegar
- Oil with basil flavored or fresh basil

Taiem legumele cubulete si le amestecam cu fasolea. Asezonam cu sos de soia si busuioc. Nu se adauga sare pentru ca sosul de soia este sarat.

Cut vegetables into cubes and mix with beans. Season with soy sauce and basil. Do not add salt because soy sauce is salty.
Se serveste imediat!

Serve immediately!

Pofta buna!

joi, 23 august 2012

Pachetele de primavara cu pui / Chicken spring roll rice wrappers

- un ardei kapia
- un ardei portocaliu
- un castravete
- un morcov
- marar
- jumatate de piept de pui
- sos de soia
- foi de orez

- sweet Kapi peppers
- orange peppers
- cucumber
- carrot
- dill
- chicken

- Soy sauce
- roll rice wrappers

Tocam legumele dupa preferinta apoi calim puiul cu putin sos de soia.

Cut vegetables as desired then fry the chicken with a little soy sauce.

Fierbem apa, iar cand clocoteste turnam pe o farfurie unde inmuiem rapid foile de orez. Le umplem cu cate putin din fiecare ingredient.

Boil water and put on a plate. Quickly soaked rice sheets. Fill them with vegetables and chicken.

Le rulam ca pe sarmale si se pot servi imediat simple sau cu sos.

We pack as cabbage rolls and serve immediately simple or with sauce.

Pofta buna!

marți, 21 august 2012

Suberek cu urda si marar / Suberek with ricotta and dill

- 500g urda
- 500g faina
- 3 oua
- marar

- 500 g ricotta

- 500 g flour
- 3 eggs
- dill

Mai intai facem un aluat si faina, un ou si apa cat sa iasa un aluat elastic.

First make a dough from flour, egg and water to make a thick batter as elastic.

Intr-un castron sfaramam urda, adaugam 2 oua , marar tocat marunt si sare.

Crushed ricotta in a bowl, add 2 eggs,chopped dill and add salt.

Amestecam bine , pana obtinem o crema mai tare.

Mix well, until we get a stronger cream.

Intindem foi subtiri de aluat si umplem cu crema obtinuta.

Stretched thin sheets of dough and fill with the cream.

Pliem si cu o furculita apasam marginele pentru a nu se imprastia compozitia.
We press edges with a fork  to not  spread composition.

Incingem uleiul in tigaie si le prajim pana devin aurii.
Heat oil in pan and fry them until become crisp.

Le scoatem pe un platou si se servesc calzi sau reci.

Remove out on a platter and serve warm or cold.

Pofta buna!

duminică, 19 august 2012

Macrou la cuptor / Baked mackerel

- macrou
- usturoi
- cartofi
- rosii
- lamaie
- piper boabe
- condiment de peste
- ardei iute
- un gogosar


- mackerel
- Garlic
- potatoes
- tomatos
- lemon
- Spice for fish
- Hot pepper

Cartofii ii taiem pe lung si ii punem intr-o tava pe hartie de copt. Ii condimentam cu sare si piper.
We cut potatoes lengthwise and put them in a tray with baking paper. I seasoned with salt and pepper.

Ii lasam pana se rumenesc frumos.

Leave  until they crisp nicely.

Taiem legumele dupa cum dorim.
We cut vegetables.
Punem pestele intr-o tava si legumele peste el.

We put the  fish in a pan  and vegetables over it.
Lasam la cuptor pana se face bine pestele.
Leave until the fish is cooked good.
Servim alaturi de cartofi.

Serve with potatoes.

Pofta buna!

sâmbătă, 4 august 2012

Lapte cu orez si banane / Rice with milk and bananas

- lapte
- orez
- 3 banane
- zahar dupa gust
- un galbenus de ou

- 3
- Sugar

- one egg

Orezul l-am lasat la inmuiat putin. La o cana de orez am pus 3 cani de lapte. Punem orezul la fiert in lapte si zahar dupa gust.

I let the rice soak a bit of whater. I put one cup of rice and  3 cups of milk. Put rice to boiled in milk and sugar.

Pasam bananele cu galbenusul de ou.

We mixing bananas with egg yolk.

Cand orezul este fiert, adaugam bananele si amestecam usor. Mai lasam putin pe foc si este gata.

 When rice is cooked, we add the bananas and mix gently.  

Se poate servi cald dar si rece si este excelent pentru copii.

You can serve hot or cold and is excellent for children.

Pofta buna! 

joi, 2 august 2012

Ton la tigaie / Fried tuna

- 4 bucati de ton proaspat
- un ardei iute
- usturoi
- lamaie
- faina


- 4 pieces of fresh tuna
- A hot pepper
- Garlic
- lemon
- flour

Pestele il dam prin faina si il punem la prajit in ulei incins. Ardeiul il tocam marunt si punem jumatate din el peste peste. Cealalta jumatate tocata o adaugam cand intoarcem pestele.

Put fish in flour then to fry in hot oil. Cut peppers and put half of it over the fish. The other half of chopped pepper add it when we fry the fish on other side.

Cand pestele s-a facut bine il scoatem pe un servet pentru surplusul de ulei.

When the fish  did well we removing out of pan on a napkin to absorb the  excess oil.

Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta si mujdei de usturoi.

Serve hot with polenta and garlic sauce.

Pofta buna!

miercuri, 1 august 2012

Pui limoncello

- 3 pulpe de pui
- usturoi
- cartofi
- ardei iute
- un pahar de limoncello
- rozmarin

- 3 chicken legs
- Garlic
- potatoes
- Pepper
- A glass of limoncello
- rosemary

Cartofii ii taiem si ii punem intr-o tava cu putin ulei. Adaugam usturoiul si ardeiul iute, dupa gust.
Cut potatoes and put them in a pan with oil. Add garlic and chili pepper.

Carnea de pui o punem la fiert. Dupa ce adunam spuma, adaugam limoncello si rozmarin. Lasam sa fiarba bine.

Put chicken to boil. After collecting foam, add limoncello and rosemary. Let to boil well.

Cand cartofii s-au facut pe o parte, ii intoarcem si adaugam rozmarin.

When potatoes were made on one side, turn them and add rosemary.

Adaugam puiul fiert deasupra cartofilor si lasam pana se rumeneste frumos.

Add chicken over potatoes and leave in oven until nicely browned.

Se serveste cald cu orice salata va place.

Serve hot with any salad you like.

Pofta buna!