miercuri, 1 august 2012

Pui limoncello

- 3 pulpe de pui
- usturoi
- cartofi
- ardei iute
- un pahar de limoncello
- rozmarin

- 3 chicken legs
- Garlic
- potatoes
- Pepper
- A glass of limoncello
- rosemary

Cartofii ii taiem si ii punem intr-o tava cu putin ulei. Adaugam usturoiul si ardeiul iute, dupa gust.
Cut potatoes and put them in a pan with oil. Add garlic and chili pepper.

Carnea de pui o punem la fiert. Dupa ce adunam spuma, adaugam limoncello si rozmarin. Lasam sa fiarba bine.

Put chicken to boil. After collecting foam, add limoncello and rosemary. Let to boil well.

Cand cartofii s-au facut pe o parte, ii intoarcem si adaugam rozmarin.

When potatoes were made on one side, turn them and add rosemary.

Adaugam puiul fiert deasupra cartofilor si lasam pana se rumeneste frumos.

Add chicken over potatoes and leave in oven until nicely browned.

Se serveste cald cu orice salata va place.

Serve hot with any salad you like.

Pofta buna!

11 comentarii:

  1. Arata foarte delicios.
    Cu siguranta am sa o incerc si eu.
    Am citit comentariul tau. Multumesc.

  2. Trebuie sa fie tare bun puiul ...si cu cartofi....mmmm!
    Imi place limoncello ca digestiv ..dar uite ca la mancare inca nu l-am folosit.De probat.
    o zi buna..pa!

  3. foarte atragator numele retetei, dar si preparatul e minunat!

  4. Oh my goodness! This sounds wonderful! It makes sense to use the limoncello!

  5. Gata, la tine vin azi la pranz, arata prea bine si suna si mai bine! Pup

  6. interesant gust trebuie sa aiba !

  7. I like your blog a lot, I'll stay with you.
    This is one of my favourites dishes.

  8. That looks and sounds delicious. I bought a brand new bottle of limoncello few weeks ago and needed and excuse to open it:)

  9. Thanks for the info on limoncello. I don't see it's being sold anywhere in Malaysia...an interesting lemon liquor..now I know what's that. :) thanks!
