joi, 15 mai 2014
Paine de casa / Homemade bread
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g faina - 500 g flour
- 300 ml lapte - 300 ml of milk
- 50 ml ulei de masline - 50 ml of olive oil
- o lingurita de zahar - A teaspoon of sugar
- o lingurita de sare - A teaspoon of salt
- 7 gr drojdie uscata - 7 g dry yeast
- un galbenus - Yolk
- 2 linguri de lapte - 2 tablespoons of milk
- mac, susan, ce va place - Poppy seeds, sesame
Punem intr-un castron faina, drojdia, zaharul, sarea, uleiul si laptele caldut. Amestecam bine pana obtinem un aluat nelipicios. Il lasam la dospit pana isi dubleaza volumul.
Put in a bowl the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil and warm milk. Mix well until the dough is not sticky. Leave it to rise until is doubled in volume.
Dupa ce a crescut, ii dam forma dorita si il punem in tavi unse cu ulei. Deasupra il ungem cu galbenus amestecat cu lapte.
After growing up, I give it the desired shape and put in greased pans. Brush it over with yolk mixed with milk.
Deasupra adaugam semintele care va plac.
On top add seeds you like.
Bagam aluatul la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.
Put the dough in the oven until toothpick test passes.
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 14 mai 2014
Carne de porc la wok / Pork meat cooked in wok
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g carne de porc - 500 g pork meat
- cimbru - thyme
- usturoi - garlic
- o ceapa - An onion
- 200 ml vin alb - 200 ml white wine
- o foaie de dafin - A bay leaf
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
Inabusim carnea, iar dupa ce s-a inmuiat putin adaugam ceapa tocata marunt.
Braised the meat and add chopped onion.
Dupa ce s-a calit ceapa, adaugam vinul si lasam la foc mic pana se patrunde carnea bine.
After the onion is done, add the wine and let simmer until the meat gets better.
Adaugam cimbrul, sare, piper, usturoi si dafin. Lasam pana scade sosul.
Add thyme, salt, pepper, garlic and bay leaf. Let on fire intil the sauce reduced.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta!
Serve hot with polenta!
Bon appetit!
marți, 13 mai 2014
Carne de porc cu vinete la cuptor / Baked Pork meat with eggplant
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg pulpa de porc - 1 kg of pork meat
- 500 g vinete coapte - 500 g baked eggplant
- o legatura de ceapa verde - A bunch of spring onions
- o ceapa alba - A white onion
- 100 ml suc de rosii - 100 ml of tomato juice
- o lingurita de boia dulce sau picanta , dupa gust - A teaspoon of paprika
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper
Calim carne cu ceapa tocata marunt.
Braised the meat with chopped onion.
Eu am folosit un vas roman dar se poate folosi orice vas pentru cuptor. Vinetele le-am impartit in doua. Am pus un strat pe fundul vasului.
I have used a Roman dish but you can use any oven dish. Eggplants we divided into two. We put a layer on the bottom.
Adaugam carnea.
Add the meat.
Deasupra adaugam vinetele ramase, boiaua, sare, piper si sucul de rosii.
On top add the remaining eggplant, paprika, salt, pepper and tomato juice.
Lasam la cuptor pana se patrund bine.
We leave it in the oven until is well baked.
Servim cu mamaliguta!
Serve with polenta!
Bon appetit!
luni, 5 mai 2014
Tort Zebra cu ciocolata / Zebra cake with chocolate
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 6 oua - 6 eggs
- o cana de zahar - A cup of sugar
- o cana de faina - A cup of flour
- o lingura de cacao - A tablespoon of cocoa
- o esenta de rom - A rum
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking powder
- 5 linguri de apa - 5 tablespoons water
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons oil
- o ciocolata cu lapte - A milk chocolate
Facem un sirop din apa si zahar. Ouale le separam, batem albusurile spuma tare cu un praf de sare, si adaugam siropul fierbinte mixand continuu. Galbenusurile le mixam cu praful de copt , uleiul si esenta de vanilie.
Make a syrup of water and sugar. Separate the eggs , beat egg whites with a pinch of salt , continuous mixing and add the hot syrup. Yolks mixing them with baking powder, oil and vanilla.
Turnam compozitia de galbenusuri pentru albusurile batute spuma tare, adaugam faina si o amestecam usor. Compozitia o impartim in doua. Peste o parte adaugam ciocolata tocata marunt , esenta de rom si cacao.
Pour the yolks on egg whites , add flour and stir gently. Divide the composition it into two. In one part add the chopped chocolate, rum and cocoa.
Punem hartie de copt intr-o tava cu peretii detasabili si cu o lingurita formam straturi: unul alb, unul maro. Se pot folosi 2 poshuri.
Put baking paper on a tray with removable walls and with a teaspoon formed layers: one white, one brown. You can use 2 poshuri.
Ornarea este cam migaloasa, dar merita.
Decorating is a bit painstaking but worth it.
Dupa ce am terminat punem la cuptor, la foc mic, pana trece testul scobitorii.
After we finished put in the oven on low heat until toothpick test passes.
Dupa ce s-a racit in tava, il scoatem pe un platou.
When is cool , remove it on a platter.
Bon appetit!
joi, 1 mai 2014
Varza calita cu carnati de Plescoi / Cabbage with Plescoi sausage
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- varza murata - pickled cabbage
- 500 g carnati de plescoi - 500 g Plescoi sausage
- boia iute - paprika
- cimbru - thyme
- 3-4 linguri de ulei de masline - 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
- 500 ml suc de rosii - 500 ml of tomato juice
- 2-3 foi de dafin - 2-3 bay leaves
Tocam marunt varza si o punem intr-o tava cu 3-4 linguri de ulei de masline. Deasupra presaram boia , cimbru si dafinul. O bagam la cuptor pana se inmoaie.
Cut cabbage into small pieces and put it in a pan with 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil. Sprinkle paprika, thyme and bay leaves. Put in the oven until is soft.
Adaugam carnatii de Plescoi.
Add Plescoi.sausages .
Dupa ce s-a inmuiat bine varza adaugam sosul de rosii si lasam pana se patrunde bine.
After the cabbage has softened add the tomato sauce and leave until it gets better.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.
Serve hot with polenta.
Bon appetit!
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