joi, 15 mai 2014

Paine de casa / Homemade bread

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 500 g faina - 500 g flour 
- 300 ml lapte - 300 ml of milk 
- 50 ml ulei de masline - 50 ml of olive oil 
- o lingurita de zahar - A teaspoon of sugar 
- o lingurita de sare - A teaspoon of salt 
- 7 gr drojdie uscata - 7 g dry yeast 
- un galbenus - Yolk 
- 2 linguri de lapte - 2 tablespoons of milk
- mac, susan, ce va place - Poppy seeds, sesame

Punem intr-un castron faina, drojdia, zaharul, sarea, uleiul si laptele caldut. Amestecam bine pana obtinem un aluat nelipicios. Il lasam la dospit pana isi dubleaza volumul.

Put in a bowl the flour, yeast, sugar, salt, oil and warm milk. Mix well until the dough is not sticky. Leave it to rise until is doubled in volume.

Dupa ce a crescut, ii dam forma dorita si il punem in tavi unse cu ulei. Deasupra il ungem cu galbenus amestecat cu lapte.

After growing up, I give it the desired shape and put in greased pans. Brush it over with yolk mixed with milk.

Deasupra adaugam semintele care va plac.

On top add seeds you like.

Bagam aluatul la cuptor pana trece testul scobitorii.

Put the dough in the oven until toothpick test passes.

Bon appetit!

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