miercuri, 30 septembrie 2015
Piure de linte / Mashed lentils
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 cutii de linte - 2 boxes of lentils
- un catel de usturoi - A clove of garlic
- 2 ardei copti - 2 baked peppers
- 2-3 linguri ulei de masline - 2-3 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
Mixam toate ingredientele.
Mixing all ingredients.
Se serveste cu orice tip de carne sau ca atare pe paine.
Pofta buna!
Serve with any meat .
Bon Appetite!
marți, 29 septembrie 2015
Paste intr-o oala / Pasta in a pot
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1/2 piept de pui - 1/2 chicken breast
- un carnat afumat - A smoked sausage
- un ardei rosu - A red pepper
- un ardei verde - A green pepper
- o ceapa - an onion
- 2-3 ciuperci - 2-3 mushrooms
- 2 catei de usturoi - 2 cloves garlic
- sare, piper, boia , pudra de chilli, salvie, cimbru, oregano - Salt, pepper, paprika, chilli powder, sage, thyme, oregano
- o lingurita de pudra de ceapa - A teaspoon of onion powder
- 250 ml supa de pui - 250 ml chicken soup
- 200 ml smantana - 200 ml cream
- 100 g parmezan - 100 g parmesan
Mai intai ne pregatim toate ingredientele.
First we prepare all ingredients.
In 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline punem la prajit pieptul de pui. Se adaugam condimentele dupa ce s-a rumenit putin.
In 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil fried chicken. Seasoning after browned slightly.
Dupa 5 minute, adaugam carnatii si legumele taiate julien.
After 5 minutes, add the sausages and sliced vegetables Julien.
Cand legumele s-au inmuiat, de adauga pastele si supa de pui. Eu am folosit tagliatelle, dar merge orice fel de paste.
When the vegetables have softened, add the pasta and the chicken soup. I used tagliatelle, but go any kind of pasta.
Dupa ce au fiert pastele adaugam smantana si parmezanul. Mai lasam 2-3 minute si oprim focul.
After boiling add cream and parmesan pasta.
Mai lasam 2-3 minute si oprim focul.
Boil 2-3 minutes and stop the fire .
Se serveste fierbinte!
Serve hot!
Bon Appetite!
joi, 24 septembrie 2015
Prepelita in sos de bere cu piure de linte / Quail in beer sauce with mashed lentils
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 5 prepelite - Five fresh quail
- o bere - a beer
- o lingurita de salvie uscata - A teaspoon of dried sage
- o lingura de usturoi granulat - Tablespoon granulated garlic
- o lingura de ceapa granulata - A tablespoon of granulated onion
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- putina boia iute - A little cayenne pepper
Prajim pe toate partile prepelitele, in ulei de masline.
Fry the quails in olive oil.
In uleiul ramas punem berea si condimentele. Lasam sa se formeze un sos , iar la final punem sare si piper dupa gust.
In the remaining oil put beer and spices. We leave to form a sauce, and finally put salt and pepper to taste.
Turnam sosul peste prepelite si bagam tava la cuptor ca sa se patrunda bine carnea.
Pour sauce over baked quail and stuffing tray into the oven.
Cand sunt gata le scoatem si le servim cu garnitura preferata, eu le-am servit cu piure de linte.
When the quails are ready serve with your favorite side dish, I served with mashed lentil.
Pofta buna!
Bon Appetite!
marți, 22 septembrie 2015
Galuste cu prune (gomboti) / Plum dumplings
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- - 800 g cartofi fierti in coaja - 800 g boiled potatoes
- - 250 - 300 g faina - 250-300 g flour
- - 2 oua intregi - 2 whole eggs
- - o lingurita rasa de sare - A teaspoon of salt
- - 250 g pesmet - 250 g breadcrumbs
- - 100 g unt - 100 g butter
- - 100 g zahar tos - 100 g granulated sugar
- - prune - plums
Formam un aluat din cartofi, faina, oua si sare. Cartofii ii strivim ca la piure si adaugam faina treptat pana ajungem la consistenta dorita. Aluatul trebuie sa fie moale.
Form a dough from potatoes, flour, eggs and salt. Mashed potatoes add flour gradually until we reach at desired consistency. The dough should be soft.
Ne umezim mainile si formam galustile, punand cate o pruna in mijloc.
We wet our hands and form dumplings, putting one plum in the middle.
Intr-o oala punem apa la fiert cu o lingurita de sare. Cand apa incepe sa clocoteasca punem galustele in ea si din momentul in care apa incepe din nou sa fiarba lasam 15 minute la foc mic. Galustele trebuie sa pluteasca si sa nu fie inghesuite. Eu am fiert cate 4-5 o data.
Put in a pot of water to boil with a teaspoon of salt. When water starts to boil put the dumplings in it and from the moment the water starts to boil again let simmer 15 minutes. Dumplings must float and not be cramped. I boiled 4-5 once.
Cat timp fierb galustele, ne ocupam de pesmet. Punem untul intr-o tigaie si cand s-a topit adaugam pesmetul. Lasam sa se prajeasca putin pesmetul pana devine auriu. Eu am adaugat zaharul peste pesmet si am mai lasat putin pana s-a topit si zaharul. Da o aroma mai buna, iar crusta este crocanta.Tot timpul trebuie amestecat ca sa nu se arda.
While the dumplings cook, we take care of breadcrumbs. Put the butter in a pan and when melted add the breadcrumbs. Let fry until golden breadcrumbs least. I added sugar . Give a better flavor and crust is crispy. Always be mixed as not to burn.
Scoatem galustele, le scurgem bine si le tavalim prin pesmet.
We remove the dumplings, drain them well and they wallow breadcrumbs.
Se poate pune si putina scortisoara si zahar pudra. Sunt delicioase.
You can put a little cinnamon and powdered sugar. They are delicious.
vineri, 18 septembrie 2015
Cotlet de porc la tigaie in sos de smantana / Fried pork chops in cream sauce
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 7 felii de cotlet - 7 slices of steak
- 200 ml smantana pentru gatit - 200 ml cooking cream
- 50 g parmezan - 50 g parmesan
- o lingurita de salvie uscata - A teaspoon of dried sage
- o lingurita de piper roz - A teaspoon of pink pepper
- o cutie de ciuperci - A box of mushrooms
- o lingurita de usturoi granulat - A teaspoon granulated garlic
- o lingurita de ceapa granulata - A teaspoon of granulated onion
- o lingura de unt - A tablespoon of butter
Topim untul intr-o tigaie si punem feliile de cotlet la prajit.
Melt the butter in a pan and put chop slices to fry.
Dupa ce s-au prajit le scoatem si in sosul format punem ciupercile, usturoiul, ceapa si salvia. Le rumenim 2-3 minute.
After we have fried them put the mushrooms in sauce add garlic, onion and sage. Fry 2-3 minutes.
Adauga, smantana si parmezanul.
Add sour cream and Parmesan cheese.
Dupa 3 minute adaugam carnea si mai lasam 3-4 minute.
After 3 minutes add the meat and leave 3-4 minutes to boil tha sauce.
Se serveste fierbinte.
Pofta buna!
Serve hot.
Bon Appetite!
joi, 17 septembrie 2015
Tarta cu crema de lamaie / Lemon cream tart
Ingrediente / ingredients:
Pentru aluat/For the dough::
- 225 g faina - 225 g flour
- 150 g unt rece - 150 g cold butter
- un ou - An egg
- un galbenus - an yolk
Pentru umplutura/For the filling:
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- 175 g zahar - 175 g sugar
- 150 g frisca - 150 g cream
- sucul si coaja rasa de la 3 lamai - Juice and lemon zest from 3 lemons
Se amesteca faina cu untul rece, se adauga oual batut si framantam pana se omogenizeaza bine. Invelim aluatul in folie si il tinem la frigider pana pregatim umplutura.
Mix flour with cold butter, add beaten egg and knead well until is smooth. Wrap dough in foil and keep it in the refrigerator until the filling is ready.
Dupa 20 de minute de stat la frigider il intindem cu sucitorul si il punem intr-o forma rotunda unsa cu unt si tapetata cu faina. Intepam foaia de aluat si o bagam la cuptor 15 minute, la foc mic. Dupa 15 minute o scoatem si o ungem cu galbenus.
After 20 minutes in refrigerate we stretch with rolling pin and put it into a round greased with butter and dustedwith flour. Prick dough sheet and put in the oven 15 minutes on low heat. After 15 minutes we Brush with egg yolk.
Pentru umplutura: batem ouale cu zaharul pana obtinem o consistenta cremoasa. Incorporam frisca, sucul si coaja de lamaie. Turnam crema peste tarta si o dam la cuptor pana cand umplutura se solidifica. Dupa ce este gata trebuie sa se raceasca bine inainte de portionare. Se poate servi cu zahar pudra deasupra sau cu frisca.
For the filling: beat eggs with sugar until we get a creamy consistency. Incorporate cream, lemon juice and zest. Pour cream over a tart and baked until the filling solidifies. Once ready you must cool the tart before slicing. It can be served with powdered sugar or with whipped cream on top.
Pofta buna!
Bon Appetite!
miercuri, 16 septembrie 2015
Bors de peste / Fish Soup
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 capete de peste - eu am avut somon - trunchi de peste - cozi de peste - 2 fish heads - I had salmon - trunk fish - fish tails
- o telina - A celery
- un pastarnac - A parsnip
- 2-3 morcovi - 2-3 carrots
- o ceapa mare - A large onion
- un ardei rosu - A red pepper
- 3-4 linguri de otet - 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar
- 4 rosii coapte bine - 4 tomatoes
- 2 cartofi - 2 potatoes
- leustean - lovage
Fierbem pestele.
Boil the fish.
Dupa ce pestele a fiert il scoatem, strecuram zeama si adaugam legumele taiate cubulete.
After you get the fish cooked, strain the broth and add the diced vegetables.
Dupa ce au fiert legumele, adaugam rosiile tocate marunt sau date pe razatoare.
After boiling the vegetables, add chopped tomatoes.
La final adaugam carnea, otetul si leusteanul.
Pofta buna!
Finally add the fish meat, vinegar and lovage.
Bon Appetite!
marți, 15 septembrie 2015
Cotlet de porc la tava / Baked pork chop
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g cotlet de porc - 500 g pork chops
- un ardei capia - A red pepper
- 100 g sunculita afumata - 100g smoked bacon
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- usturoi - Garlic
- un pahar de vin alb - A glass of white wine
- o lingurita de salvie uscata - A teaspoon of dried sage
- boia de ardei iute - dupa gust - Paprika - to taste
- cimbru - thyme
Taiem carnea felii. O punem la marinat cu usturoi, vin, ulei de masline si cimbru. Trebuie sa stea la marinat cel putin 2 ore.
Cut the meat into slices. Marinated with garlic , wine, olive oil and thyme. It should stay to marinate at least 2 hours.
O asezam intr-o tava, adaugam ardeiul si sunculita, eu am puso sub carne. Pe fiecare felie de carne punem si putina boia. Turnam si marinata si o bagam la cuptor la foc mic pana se rumeneste frumos.
Place it in a pan, add pepper and bacon. I placed the bacon under the meat. On each slice of meat put a little paprika . Pour marinade and a stuffing in the oven on low heat until nicely browned.
Dupa ce s-a facut carnea, o scoatem si tot sosul format, impreuna cu legumele le bagam la blender si formam un sos mai gros. Sosul format il turnam peste carne si mai bagam pentru 5 minute la cuptor.
After the meat is cooked we put aside to make the sauce.We stuffing the vegetables in blender and form a thick sauce. We pour the sauce over the meat and put the tray in the oven for 5 minutes.
Se serveste fierbinte cu orice garnitura. Eu am facut piure.
Pofta buna!
Serve hot with any garnish. I made mashed potatoes.
Bon Appetite!
luni, 14 septembrie 2015
Pui cu legume la cuptor / Baked Chicken with Vegetables
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o caserola de pulpe de pui dezosate - A casserole of boneless chicken thighs
- 500 g cartofi noi - 500 g potatoes
- 500 g ciuperci - 500 g mushrooms
- un ardei kapia - A red pepper
- o vanata - an eggplant
- o ceapa - an onion
- un morcov - A carrot
- usturoi - Garlic
- cimbru - thyme
- rozmarin - rosemary
Curatam legumele si le punem intr-o tava. Adaugam condimente deasupra si le stropim cu ulei de masline.
Clean the vegetables and put them in a pan. Add spices on top and sprinkle them with olive oil.
Deasupra legumelor punem carnea de pui .
On top we put chicken.
Dupa ce s-a rumenit carnea bine, o scoatem si servim!
After the meat has browned well, remove from the oven and serve!
Pofta buna!
Bon Appetite!
luni, 7 septembrie 2015
Dorada la gratar cu cartofi aurii / Grilled sea bream with golden potatoes
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 buc dorada - Two sea bream
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
- ierburi mediteraneene - Mediterranean herbs
Sos / Sauce
- 2 linguri smantana - 2 tablespoons sour cream
- o lingurita de hrean - A teaspoon of horseradish
- 2 linguri de usturoi pisat - 2 tablespoons minced garlic
- 0 lingura de zeama de lamaie - A tablespoon of lemon juice
- sare - salt
Spalam si curatam bine pestele. Il asezonam cu sare, piper si condimente mediteraneene.
Wash and clean the fish . Season it with salt, pepper and Mediterranean spices.
Il punem pe gratar. Il putem servi cu orice garnitura, eu am facut si sos din smantana, hrean, usturoi, zeama de lamaie si sare. A fost delicios.
We put on the grill. We can serve with any garnish, I did a cream sauce from horseradish, garlic, lemon juice and salt. It was delicious.
Pofta buna!
Bon Appetite!
joi, 3 septembrie 2015
Supa crema de ciuperci Pleurotus / Cream of Oyster Mushroom Soup
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g ciuperci Pleurotus - 500 g oyster mushrooms
- o ceapa - an onion
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- un cartof - A potato
- un ardei gras - A pepper
- o telina mica - A little celery
- un pastarnac - A parsnip
- 100 ml smantana pentru gatit - 100 ml cooking cream
- 2 galbenusuri - 2 yolks
- patrunjel - parsley
Punem legumele la fiert, in afara de ciuperci.
We boiled vegetables, except for mushrooms.
Spalam bine ciupercile si le curatam de impuritati.
Rinse thoroughly mushrooms and clean them of impurities.
Cand legumele sunt aproape fierte, adaugam ciupercile.
When the vegetables are almost cooked, add mushrooms.
In zeama obtinuta am pasat toate legumele.
I smashed all vegetables in obtained juice .
Amestecam galbenusurile cu smantana si turnam in fir subtire in supa, amestecand continuu. Mai lasam 5 minute la foc mic. Se adauga sare si putin piper dupa gust.
Deasupra punem patrunjel tocat.
Pofta buna!
Mix egg yolks with cream and pour in soup, stirring constantly. We let simmer 5 minutes. Add salt and a little pepper.
Above we chopped parsley.
Bon Appetite!
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