duminică, 25 septembrie 2016

Prajitura cu crema de cocos / Coconut cream cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un pachet foi pandispan - A sponge sheet package
-  800 ml lapte de cocos  - 800ml coconut milk
-  80 g amidon de porumb  - 80 g of corn starch
-  3 linguri de zahăr  - 3 tablespoons sugar
-  100 g ciocolată albă  - 100 g of white chocolate
-  170 g unt la temperatura camerei  - 170 g of butter at room temperature
-  100 g zahăr pudră  - 100g caster sugar
-  6 linguri de nuca de cocos - 6 tablespoons coconut
- 100 ml smantana pentru gatit - 100 ml cream for cooking
- 50 g ciocolata cu lapte -  50 g of milk chocolate

Amestecam 100 ml lapte de cocos cu amidonul de porumb si 3 linguri de zahar. Restul laptelui il punem la fiert cu ciocolata alba. Cand incepe sa fiarba adaugam amestecul cu amidon de porumb si amestecam continuu. Lasam la foc mic amestecand continuu pana se ingroasa. Adaugam nuca de cocos si lasam sa se raceasca.

Mix 100 ml coconut milk with cornstarch and 3 tablespoons sugar. The remaining milk put it to boil with white chocolate. When the mixture begins to boil add the cornstarch and mix continuously. Let simmer stirring constantly until thickened. Add coconut and leave to cool.

Mixam untul cu zaharul pudra pana obtinem o crema spumoasa. Adaugam cate o lingura din crema racita pana o incorporam pe toata.

Mix the butter with powdered sugar until  obtain a cream. Add cooled coconut cream cooled.

Umplem foile de pandispan cu crema si deasupra turnam o glazura formata din ciocolata cu lapte topita in smantana pentru gatit.

Fill sponge sheets with cream and  pour on top the glaze made of milk chocolate melted in cream for cooking.

Lasam prajitura la frigider peste noapte si apoi o taiem in cubulete.

We leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight and then cut into cubes.

Bon Appetite!

sâmbătă, 24 septembrie 2016

Briose cu dulceata de capsuni si bezea / Cupcakes with strawberry jam and meringue

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk
- 100 ml ulei - 100 ml of oil
- 200 g zahar - 200 g sugar
- 50 g cacao - 50 g cacao
- un plic de praf de copt  - A bag of baking powder
- dulceata de capsuni - Strawberry jam
- 200 g faina - 200 g flour
- 4 albusuri + 150 g zahar - 4 egg whites + 150 g sugar 
- 200 g ciocolata - 200 g of chocolate
- 100 ml smantana pentru gatit - 100 ml cream for cooking

Mixam ouale cu laptele, uleiul si 200 g zahar. Cand zaharul s-a topit adaugam faina, cacao si praful de copt.

Mix the eggs with the milk, oil and 200 g sugar. When the sugar has melted add the flour, cocoa and baking powder.

Turnam cate o lingura de compozitie in forme.

Pour one tablespoon of  mixture into shapes.

Adaugam cate o lingurita de dulceata in fiecare forma si deasupra inca o lingura de compozitie.

Add a teaspoon of strawberry jam in every shape then another spoon of mixture.

Le dam la cuptor pentru 15 minute.

We give them in the oven for 15 minutes.

Mixam 4 albusuri cu 150 g zahar pana obtinem o bezea. Dupa 15 minute scoatem briosele din cuptor si turnam bezea deasupra.

Mix 4 egg whites with 150 g sugar until we get a meringue. After 15 minutes remove the muffins from the oven and pour the meringue on top.

Le mai lasam 5 minute la cuptor si apoi le scoatem.

Give them five minutes in the oven.

Optional facem o glazura din ciocolata si smantana pentru gatit. Incalzim smantana, adaugam ciocolata si amestecam bine. Cand briosele s-au racit, adaugam glazura deasupra.

Optional make a glaze of chocolate and cream. Heat the cream, add chocolate and mix well. When the cupcakes have cooled, add the icing on top.

Bon Appetite!

miercuri, 21 septembrie 2016

Humus libanez / Houmous recipe

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- 3 cutii naut - 3 packs chickpeas
- zeama de la o lamaie - Juice of one lemon
- 2 linguri pasta de susan (tahini) - 2 tablespoons sesame paste (tahini)
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- 3-4 catei usturoi - 3-4 cloves garlic
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Punem in robot nautul scurs. Eu am folosit de la Sun Food.

Put the chickpeas to mix. I used Sun Food.

Adaugam restul ingredientelor si mixam bine pana obtinem o pasta fina. Daca vi se pare prea groasa puteti sa o diluati cu putin zeama din conserva.

Add remaining ingredients and mixing well to obtain a smooth paste. If it seems too thick you can dilute it with a little canned juice.

Se poate servi imediat dar rezista la frigider 3-4 zile.

You can serve immediately but resist in the refrigerator 3-4 days.

Bon appetit!

joi, 15 septembrie 2016

Pene siciliene al forno / Sicilian Pasta al forno

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- penne rigate - Penne rigate
- 1/2 piept de pui - 1/2 chicken breast
- 250 g bacon - 250g bacon
- 3 ciuperci - 3 mushrooms
- 3 rosii - 3 tomatoes
- 3 catei de usturoi - 3  garlic cloves
- oregano - oregano
- 100 g mozarella - 100 g mozzarella
- 3 linguri ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Taiem pieptul de pui in cubulete mici si il calim putin in ulei de masline. Adaugam baconul.

Cut the chicken into small cubes and fry it in a little olive oil. Add bacon.

Adaugam usturoiul tocat marunt, oregano, sare si piper. Rosiile le pasam si le turnam peste pieptul de pui.

Add finely chopped garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Add tomato puree and pour them over the chicken.

Pastele le fierbem al dente si le turnam peste sos. Le lasam sa fiarba cateva minute si apoi le turnam intr-o tava.

Cook pasta  al dente  and pour them over the chicken. Let them boil a few minutes and then pour into a pan.

Deasupra punem felii de mozarella si le bagam la cuptor pentru 10-15 minute.

On top we put  mozzarella slices and stuffing them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Se servesc fierbinti.

Serve hot! 

Bon appetit!

luni, 12 septembrie 2016

Piept de pui cu ciuperci brune la tigaie / Pan-Fried Chicken with Brown Mushrooms

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un piept de pui - Chicken breast
- 500 g ciuperci brune - 500 g brown mushrooms
- o lingurita de sare - A teaspoon of salt
- oregano - oregano
- usturoi - garlic
- rozmarin - rosemary
- mix de piper  - Pepper mix
- 100 ml smantana  - 100 ml cream
- 3-4 linguri de ulei de masline - 3-4 tablespoons olive oil

Taiem pieptul de pui in fasii subtiri si il punem in tigaie cu uleiul de masline.

Cut the chicken into thin strips and put it in the pan with olive oil.

Adaugam ciupercile taiate in 4.

Add chopped mushrooms.

Punem condimentele intr-un mojar si le frecam putin.

Put the  spices in a mortar and rubbed them.

Adaugam smantana, condimentele si usturoiul tocat marunt.

Add sour cream, spices and chopped garlic.

Se serveste fierbinte!

Serve hot!

Bon Appetite!

duminică, 4 septembrie 2016

Chicken Souvlaki / Souvlaki de pui

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- piept de pui - chicken breast
- o lingurita de oregano - A teaspoon of oregano
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste
- 4-5 linguri de ulei de masline - 4-5 tablespoons olive oil
- o ceapa rosie - A red onion
- o rosie - one tomato
- Tzatziki - Tzatziki

Taiem pieptul de pui cubulete. Adaugam oregano, sare, piper si uleiul de masline. Amestecam bine.

Cut the chicken into cubes. Add the oregano, salt, pepper and olive oil. Mix well.

Lasam carnea la marinat peste noapte , apoi o infigem pe tepuse  si o frigem pe gratar.

Let the meat marinate overnight, then stick the stakes and fry on the grill.

Servim cu felii de rosii, ceapa rosie, cartofi prajiti si sos Tzatziki.

Serve with  tomatoes sliced, red onion, french fries and tzatziki sauce.

Bon appetit!