joi, 15 septembrie 2016

Pene siciliene al forno / Sicilian Pasta al forno

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- penne rigate - Penne rigate
- 1/2 piept de pui - 1/2 chicken breast
- 250 g bacon - 250g bacon
- 3 ciuperci - 3 mushrooms
- 3 rosii - 3 tomatoes
- 3 catei de usturoi - 3  garlic cloves
- oregano - oregano
- 100 g mozarella - 100 g mozzarella
- 3 linguri ulei de masline - 3 tablespoons olive oil
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Taiem pieptul de pui in cubulete mici si il calim putin in ulei de masline. Adaugam baconul.

Cut the chicken into small cubes and fry it in a little olive oil. Add bacon.

Adaugam usturoiul tocat marunt, oregano, sare si piper. Rosiile le pasam si le turnam peste pieptul de pui.

Add finely chopped garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Add tomato puree and pour them over the chicken.

Pastele le fierbem al dente si le turnam peste sos. Le lasam sa fiarba cateva minute si apoi le turnam intr-o tava.

Cook pasta  al dente  and pour them over the chicken. Let them boil a few minutes and then pour into a pan.

Deasupra punem felii de mozarella si le bagam la cuptor pentru 10-15 minute.

On top we put  mozzarella slices and stuffing them in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Se servesc fierbinti.

Serve hot! 

Bon appetit!

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