Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- 5 linguri de zahar - 5 tablespoons sugar
- 5 linguri de faina - 5 tablespoons of flour
- o lingurita de praf de copt - A teaspoon of baking powder
- cateva cuburi de ciocolata, cate unul pentru fiecare briosa - A few cubes of chocolate, one for each muffin
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- o lingurita de cacao - A teaspoon of cocoa
- 4 linguri de unt topit - 4 tablespoons melted butter
- 150 ml de lapte - 150 ml of milk
Separam ouale, batem albusul spuma tare, adaugam zaharul si mixam pana se topeste. Adaugam galbenusurile, untul topit, praful de copt, laptele, faina si esenta de vanilie. Trebuie sa obtinem un aluat de chec.
We separate the eggs, and beat whites hard , add sugar and mix until melted. Add the egg yolks, butter, baking powder, milk, flour and vanilla. Need to get a cake batter.
Luam 6 linguri de compozitie alba si o amestecam cu lingurita de cacao. Eu am vrut sa-mi iasa din 2 culori aceste briose. Se pot face numai din cacao sau fara, cum preferati.
Take 6 tablespoons white composition and mix with a teaspoon of cocoa. I wanted to do in 2 colors these muffins. You can only make with cocoa or without it , how if you prefer.
Eu am avut o forma pentru briose primita de la mama. Ies ca niste floarea soarelui in miniatura.
I had a muffin form received from my mother. It's like sunflower.
Am pus cate o lingura in forma, cat sa acopere desenul si am bagat la cuptor pana s-a inchegat putin.
I put a spoon in shape enough to cover design and I put the oven up to brown slightly.
Adaugam restul de compozitie si bucatelele de ciocolata.
Add the remaining composition and chocolate chips.
Mai lasam la cuptor aproximativ 20 de minute, la foc mic.
May leave in oven about 20 minutes on low heat.
Se scot din forma si se servesc calde sau reci.
We remove from the shape and serve hot or cold.
Pofta buna!
miercuri, 31 octombrie 2012
luni, 29 octombrie 2012
Paste carbonara la cuptor / Baked pasta carbonara
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- paste - pasta
- sunca praga - prague ham
- ciuperci proaspete - fresh mushrooms
- smantana pentru gatit - cream for cooking
- unt - butter
- parmezan - parmesan
- 2-3 felii de branza topita - 2-3 slices of melted cheese
Spalam si curatam ciupercile, le feliem si le calim pana iese toata apa din ele.
Wash and clean the mushrooms, slice them and fry them until all the water get out of them.
Adaugam sunca feliata si mai lasam 5-10 minute.
Add sliced ham and leave for 5-10 minutes.
Adaugam smantana si amestecam continuu. Condimentam cu sare si piper.
Add cream and mix continuously. Season with salt and pepper.
Pastele le fierbem conform timpul scris pe ambalaj si le punem intr-un vas uns cu unt. Adaugam compozitia de smantana si amestecam usor. Deasupra punem feliile de branza topita si dam la cuptor pentru 15- 20 de minute.
Cook pasta according to the time written on the packaging and put them in a pan greased with butter. Add cream mixture and mix gently. On top we put slices of melted cheese and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.
Se servesc fierbinti alaturi de un vin alb sec sau demisec.
Serve hot with dry or semi-dry white wine.
Pofta buna!
joi, 25 octombrie 2012
Mancarica de praz cu masline / Leek dish with olives
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- praz - leek
- masline - olives
- suc de rosii - Tomato juice
- o lingurita de amidon alimentar - A teaspoon of food starch
- carne macra de porc - Pork
Inabusim carnea si adaugam prazul taiat in bucati mai mari.
Stewed meat and add leeks cut into larger pieces.
Dupa ce a fiert prazul, adaugam maslinele.
After cooked leeks, add olives.
Lasam sa fiarba maslinele cca 10 minute si adaugam sucul de rosii in care am dizolvat amidonul.
Let it simmer the olives for about 10 minutes and add tomato juice where we dissolved starch.
Condimentam cu sare si piper si servim imediat.
Season with salt and pepper and serve immediately.
Pofta buna!
miercuri, 24 octombrie 2012
Tort amaretto / Amaretto cake
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 5 oua - 5 eggs
- 200 ml frisca lichida - 200 ml whipped cream
- 150 g zahar brun - 150 g brown sugar
- 5 linguri de ulei - 5 tablespoons of oil
- 5 linguri de faina - 5 tablespoons of flour
- amaretto - amaretto
- un praf de copt - A pinch of baking
- 250g ciocolata cu lapte sau amestec - neagra + cu lapte- 250g milk chocolate or mixed - black + milk
Separam albusurile de galbenusuri si le batem spuma tare.
Separate egg whites from yolks and beat them hard foam.
Adaugam zaharul, galbenusurile, faina , praful de copt si uleiul. Amestecam bine.
Add sugar, egg yolks, flour, baking powder and oil. Mix well.
Ungem o forma pentru copt cu putin ulei. Turnam compozitia si o dam la cuptor pana trece testul cu scobitoarea.
Brush baking form with a little oil. Pour a dam in the oven until toothpick test passes.
Lasam blatul sa se raceasca in forma.
Facem un sirop din apa si 2-3 linguri de zahar alb iar la final, cand siropul s-a racit turnam un paharel de amaretto.
Let cake cool in shape.
Make a syrup of water and 2-3 tablespoons of white sugar and finally, when the syrup has cooled pour a glass of amaretto.
Topim ciocolata la bain - marie si la final adaugam amaretto. O adaugam treptat in frisca batuta bine.
Melt chocolate in a bain - marie and finally add amaretto. Gradually add in whipped cream .
Taiem blatul in doua si il insiropam bine.
Cut dough in half and pour syrup on each side.
Adaugam crema din belsug.
Add cream.
Il decoram dupa preferinta si il lasam 2-3 ore la rece inainte de servire.
You decorate as desired and leave it to cool for 2-3 hours before serving.
Pofta buna!
duminică, 21 octombrie 2012
Somon cu felii de branza topita si ciuperci / Salmon with slices of melted cheese and mushrooms
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- somon / salmon
- felii de branza topita cu aroma de smantana / Slices of melted cheese flavored cream
- un gogosar / a red pepper
- ciuperci / mushrooms
- codiment de peste / fish spice
Presaram condiment pentru peste, peste fileurile de somon si le punem intr-o tava la cuptor. Cand le intoarcem pe partea cealalta adaugam ciupercile si gogosarul.
Sprinkle seasoning for fish, fish fillets salmon and put them in a pan in the oven.When you turn on the other side add mushrooms and pepper.
Spre final adaugam feliile de branza topita, lasam sa se topeasca si se pot servi imediat alaturi de un vin alb din gama celor de la Crama Oprisor.
Towards the end add slices of cheese, let it melt and serve immediately with a white wine from the cellar range of Oprisor.
Pofta buna!
- somon / salmon
- felii de branza topita cu aroma de smantana / Slices of melted cheese flavored cream
- un gogosar / a red pepper
- ciuperci / mushrooms
- codiment de peste / fish spice
Presaram condiment pentru peste, peste fileurile de somon si le punem intr-o tava la cuptor. Cand le intoarcem pe partea cealalta adaugam ciupercile si gogosarul.
Sprinkle seasoning for fish, fish fillets salmon and put them in a pan in the oven.When you turn on the other side add mushrooms and pepper.
Spre final adaugam feliile de branza topita, lasam sa se topeasca si se pot servi imediat alaturi de un vin alb din gama celor de la Crama Oprisor.
Towards the end add slices of cheese, let it melt and serve immediately with a white wine from the cellar range of Oprisor.
Pofta buna!
joi, 18 octombrie 2012
Salata de ton cu fasole rosie / Tuna salad with red beans
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- o cutie de ton / tuna
- o cutie de fasole rosie / red beans
- ceapa verde / green onions
- masline / olive
- o rosie / tomato
- un castravete / cucumber
- lamaie / lemon
- ardei kapia / kapia pepper
Tocam legumele marunt.
Cut vegetables finely .
Scurgem tonul si fasolea si le punem intr-un castron impreuna cu legumele.
Drain tuna and beans and put them in a bowl with vegetables.
Amestecam totul bine. Asezonam cu sare, piper si zeama de lamaie.
Mix everything well. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Se serveste imediat.
Serve immediately.
Pofta buna!
- o cutie de ton / tuna
- o cutie de fasole rosie / red beans
- ceapa verde / green onions
- masline / olive
- o rosie / tomato
- un castravete / cucumber
- lamaie / lemon
- ardei kapia / kapia pepper
Tocam legumele marunt.
Cut vegetables finely .
Scurgem tonul si fasolea si le punem intr-un castron impreuna cu legumele.
Drain tuna and beans and put them in a bowl with vegetables.
Amestecam totul bine. Asezonam cu sare, piper si zeama de lamaie.
Mix everything well. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
Se serveste imediat.
Serve immediately.
Pofta buna!
miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012
Piept de pui la gratar cu sos de iaurt / Grilled chicken with yogurt sauce
- piept de pui
- 3 cartofi fierti
- un ou fiert
- un ou crud
- un iaurt
- marar
- cateva codite de ceapa verde
- usturoi
- ceapa
- sare si piper
- Chicken breast
- 3 boiled potatoes
- A boiled egg
- A raw egg
- A yogurt
- dill
- Several stems of green onions
- Garlic
- onions
- Salt and pepper
Pieptul de pui il condimentam cu sare si piper.
Seasoned the chicken breast with salt and pepper.
Incingem grillul si punem bucatile de pui.
Preheat the grill and put the chicken pieces.
Facem o maioneza din oua, adaugam iaurtul, verdeata tocata marunt, ceapa, usturoiul pisat si sare.
Make an egg mayonnaise, add yogurt, finely chopped dill and green onions, onion, garlic and salt.
Amestecam bine si il tinem la frigider pana este gata carnea.
Mix well and keep it in the refrigerator until the meat is ready .
Cartofii fierti ii curatam de coaja, ii taiem rondele si ii punem pe gratar pana prin o crusta.
Peel the boiled potatoes , cut slices and put them on the grill until they make a crust.
Se servesc imediat cu sos.
Serve immediately with sauce.
Pofta buna!
marți, 16 octombrie 2012
Sufleu de conopida / Cauliflower soufflé
- o conopida
- 5 oua
- branza mai sarata
- putin unt
- oregano
- 2 linguri de faina
- A cauliflower
- 5 eggs
- Saltier cheese
- Some butter
- oregano
- 2 tablespoons of flour
Amestecam ouale batute bine cu branza, faina si oregano.
Mix well the eggs with cheese, flour and oregano.
Conopida o fierbem inainte in apa cu sare. O desfacem buchetele si o punem intr-o forma tapetata cu hartie de copt.
Boil the Cauliflower in salted water before. Break bouquets and put in a form lined with baking paper.
Adaugam compozitia de oua si cateva cubulete de unt deasupra.
Add egg mixture and a few cubes of butter on top.
Dam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos.
Put in the oven until nicely browned.
Pofta buna!
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