miercuri, 17 octombrie 2012

Piept de pui la gratar cu sos de iaurt / Grilled chicken with yogurt sauce

- piept de pui
- 3 cartofi fierti
- un ou fiert
- un ou crud
- un iaurt
- marar
- cateva codite de ceapa verde
- usturoi
- ceapa
- sare si piper


- Chicken breast
- 3 boiled potatoes
- A boiled egg
- A raw egg
- A yogurt
- dill
- Several stems of green onions
- Garlic
- onions
- Salt and pepper

Pieptul de pui il condimentam cu sare si piper.
Seasoned the chicken breast with salt and pepper.
Incingem grillul si punem bucatile de pui.
Preheat the grill and put the chicken pieces.
Facem o maioneza din oua, adaugam iaurtul, verdeata tocata marunt, ceapa, usturoiul pisat si sare.

Make an egg mayonnaise, add yogurt finely chopped dill and green onions,  onion, garlic and salt.
Amestecam bine si il tinem la frigider pana este gata carnea.
Mix well and keep it in the refrigerator until the meat is ready .
Cartofii fierti ii curatam de coaja, ii taiem rondele si ii punem pe gratar pana prin o crusta.
Peel the boiled potatoes  cut slices and put them on the grill until they make a  crust.
Se servesc imediat cu sos.
Serve immediately with sauce.

Pofta buna!

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