joi, 28 aprilie 2016

Oua vopsite / Painted eggs for Easter

Anul acesta am avut un ajutor la ornatul oualor pentru Paste , fiica mea de 3 anisori (aproape ) .
Eu am fiert ouale, le-am vopsit cu vopsea de la Dr Oetker, sidefata iar fiica mea a lipit abtipilduri pe ele. A fost asa de incantata ca ma poate ajuta acum arata ouale tuturor musafirilor ....

Va doresc un Paste fericit si linistit alaturi de cei dragi!

This year i had help from ornate Easter eggs, my 3 year old daughter (almost).
I boiled the eggs, I painted with paint from Dr. Oetker, pearly and my daughter glued drawings with bunnies on them. It was so excited that she can help me .......... and now looks eggs to all guests ....

I wish you a happy and peaceful Easter with your loved ones!

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