joi, 7 aprilie 2016

Tort Nicole / Nicole's cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- un blat de tort
- 2 galbenusuri
- 400 g mascarpone
- 600 ml frisca
- 3 lingurite esenta de migdale
- 10 biscuiti oreo
- 3-4 linguri zahar

- A sponge cake
- 2 yolks
- 400g mascarpone
- 600 ml cream
- 3  teaspoons almond extract
- 10 Oreo biscuits
- 3-4 tablespoons sugar

Prima crema: amestecam 400 ml frisca cu 200 g mascarpone, o lingurita de esenta de migdale si galbenusuri.

The first cream: Mix 400 ml cream with 200 g mascarpone, a teaspoon of almond extract and egg yolks.

A doua crema: pisam biscuitii si ii amestecam cu 200 g mascarpone si 200 ml frisca.

Second cream: crush the  biscuits and mix them with 200 g mascarpone and whipped cream 200 ml.

Facem un sirop din apa , zahar si esenta de migdale si insiropam blatul.
Adaugam crema cu biscuti pe prima felie de blat.

Make a syrup of water, sugar and almond extract and moist cake.
Add cream biscuits on the first slice of cake.

Adaugam a doua felie si cealalta crema.

Add a second sheet and the other cream.

Il imbracam in crema ramasa si il ornam dupa cum dorim. Inainte de servire se tine la rece cel putin 3-4 l-am lasat pe timpul noptii la rece.

Cover it in remaining cream and decorate as you wish. Before serving you let him stay at cold  3-4 hours ........ I've left it overnight in the refrigerator.

Pofta buna! 

Bon appetit!

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