- orez cu bobul lung
- o vanata
- un dovlecel
- o ceapa rosie
- un ardei kapia
- ciuperci
- rice
- An eggplant
- A pumpkin
- A red onion
- A sweet Kapi
- mushrooms
Legumele le taiem cubulete si le calim putin in 2 linguri de ulei.
Cut vegetables into cubes and fry them a little in 2 tablespoons oil.
Adaugam orezul si amestecam continuu sa nu se lipeasca. Dupa 2 minute adaugam si apa. La o parte de orez adaugam 3 parti de lichid.
Add the rice and mix well. After 2 minutes add the water. For one part of rice add 3 parts liquid.
Lasam sa fiarba bine orezul, adaugam sare si piper dupa gust si il lasam acoperit cu un capac 10-15 minute
inainte de servire.
Let the rice boil, add salt and pepper to taste and leave it covered with a lid for 10-15 minutes before serving.
Este bun si cald si rece.
Is good hot and cold.
Pofta buna!
vineri, 28 septembrie 2012
miercuri, 26 septembrie 2012
Sufleu de dovlecei / Zucchini souffle
- dovlecei
- telemea
- 4 oua
- marar
- 2-3 linguri de pesmet
- o lingura de smantana- un cub de unt
- zucchini
- cheese
- 4 eggs
- dill
- 2-3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- A spoonful of sour cream
- A cube of butter
- zucchini
- cheese
- 4 eggs
- dill
- 2-3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
- A spoonful of sour cream
- A cube of butter
Radem dovleceii si ii scurgem bine. Adaugam telemeaua rasa, ouale, piper, pesmetul si mararul tocat.
Laugh zucchini and drain them well. Add cheese, eggs, pepper, breadcrumbs and chopped dill.
Mix everything well.
Ungem o tava cu unt si turnam compozitia.
Brush a baking tray with butter and pour mixture.
Cand este aproape gata, amestecam un ou cu 2 linguri de smantana si turnam deasupra. Am servit cu o lingura de smantana alaturi.
When is almost done, mix one egg with 2 tablespoons of cream and pour over. I served with a spoonful of sour cream.
Pofta buna!
marți, 25 septembrie 2012
File de porc la tava / Spicy pork
- file de porc
- cimbru
- rozmarin
- piper rosu
- usturoi
- o lingura de mustar
- 2 linguri de suc de rosii
- Pork
- thyme
- rosemary
- Red pepper
- Garlic
- A tablespoon of mustard
- 2 tablespoons of tomato juice
Asezam fileurile de porc intr-o tava unsa cu ulei. Amestecam mustarul cu sucul de rosii si ungem fileurile.Le condimentam cu piper rosu, rozmarin , cimbru si usturoi pisat.
We place the pork fillets in a pan greased with oil. Mix mustard with tomato juice and anoint fillets. Season with red pepper, rosemary, thyme and garlic.
Ca garnitura am pus in tava niste cartosi unsi cu acelasi amestec de condimente. Lasam la cuptor pana se patrunde bine carnea, intorcandu-le din cand in cand.
The gasket I put some potatoes in pan anointed with the same mixture of spices.
Leave the oven to cook the meat, turning them occasionally.
Pofta buna!
- file de porc
- cimbru
- rozmarin
- piper rosu
- usturoi
- o lingura de mustar
- 2 linguri de suc de rosii
- Pork
- thyme
- rosemary
- Red pepper
- Garlic
- A tablespoon of mustard
- 2 tablespoons of tomato juice
Asezam fileurile de porc intr-o tava unsa cu ulei. Amestecam mustarul cu sucul de rosii si ungem fileurile.Le condimentam cu piper rosu, rozmarin , cimbru si usturoi pisat.
We place the pork fillets in a pan greased with oil. Mix mustard with tomato juice and anoint fillets. Season with red pepper, rosemary, thyme and garlic.
Ca garnitura am pus in tava niste cartosi unsi cu acelasi amestec de condimente. Lasam la cuptor pana se patrunde bine carnea, intorcandu-le din cand in cand.
The gasket I put some potatoes in pan anointed with the same mixture of spices.
Leave the oven to cook the meat, turning them occasionally.
Pofta buna!
luni, 24 septembrie 2012
Coq au vin
- copanele de pui
- o vanata taiata cubulete
- un dovlecel taiat cubulete
- usturoi
- cimbru
- 2 rosii
- 2 ardei kapia
- 500 ml vin rosu
- suc de rosii
- 2 morcovi
- 2 cepe
- ciuperci
- sunculita afumata
- margarina
- Chicken legs
- An eggplant cut into cubes
- A diced zucchini
- Garlic
- thyme
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 peppers Kapi
- 500 ml red wine
- Tomato juice
- 2 carrots
- 2 onions
- mushrooms
- ham
- margarine
Calim sunculita in margarina.
Fried Ham in margarine.
Adaugam bucatile de pui, le rumenim putin si adaugam vanata, dovlecelul, ceapa, morcovul, vinul, ardeiul si usturoiul.
Add chicken pieces, browning them slightly and add the eggplant, zucchini, onions, carrots, the wine, peppers and garlic.
Cand legumele s-au inmuiat adaugam rosiile taiate cubulete, cimbru, ciupercile si putin suc rosii.
When the vegetables have softened add the diced tomatoes, thyme, mushrooms and a little tomato juice.
Lasam sa scada sosul. Daca il doriti mai gros, dizolvati o lingura de faina sau de amidon in putin apa si turnati spre final in oala.
Let it fall sauce. If you want thicker, dissolve a tablespoon of flour or starch in a little water and put into the pot at the end.
- copanele de pui
- o vanata taiata cubulete
- un dovlecel taiat cubulete
- usturoi
- cimbru
- 2 rosii
- 2 ardei kapia
- 500 ml vin rosu
- suc de rosii
- 2 morcovi
- 2 cepe
- ciuperci
- sunculita afumata
- margarina
- Chicken legs
- An eggplant cut into cubes
- A diced zucchini
- Garlic
- thyme
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 peppers Kapi
- 500 ml red wine
- Tomato juice
- 2 carrots
- 2 onions
- mushrooms
- ham
- margarine
Calim sunculita in margarina.
Fried Ham in margarine.
Adaugam bucatile de pui, le rumenim putin si adaugam vanata, dovlecelul, ceapa, morcovul, vinul, ardeiul si usturoiul.
Add chicken pieces, browning them slightly and add the eggplant, zucchini, onions, carrots, the wine, peppers and garlic.
Cand legumele s-au inmuiat adaugam rosiile taiate cubulete, cimbru, ciupercile si putin suc rosii.
When the vegetables have softened add the diced tomatoes, thyme, mushrooms and a little tomato juice.
Lasam sa scada sosul. Daca il doriti mai gros, dizolvati o lingura de faina sau de amidon in putin apa si turnati spre final in oala.
Let it fall sauce. If you want thicker, dissolve a tablespoon of flour or starch in a little water and put into the pot at the end.

Reteta originala nu cuprinde atatea legume, e numai sos si carne, dar nu am mai vrut sa fac si garnitura, asa ca le-am combinat pe toate si a iesit delicioasa. Vinul rosu a dat un gust senzational mancarii.
The original recipe does not include many vegetables, it's all gravy and meat, but I did not want to do and gasket, so I combined them all and came out delicious. Red wine gave a sensational taste food.
Se serveste fierbinte!
Serve hot!
Pofta buna!
duminică, 23 septembrie 2012
Basbousa / Semolina Cake with Syrup
- 500 g gris
- o cana de zahar
- 2 linguri de nuca de cocos
- 2 linguri de unt
- 2 lingurite de praf de copt
- 400 g iaurt
Pentru sirop:
- o cana si jumatate de zahar
- 2 cani de apa
- esenta de migdale sau orice alta esenta va place
- 500 g semolina
- A cup of sugar
- 2 tablespoons coconut
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 400 g yoghurt
For the syrup:
- 1 ½ cup of sugar
- 2 cups of water
- Almond essence or any other essence you like
Melt butter and mix it with yogurt.
Adaugam grisul, zaharul, praful de copt si nuca de cocos. Daca compozitia iese prea nisipoasa se mai adauga 1-2 linguri de iaurt.
Add semolina, sugar, baking powder and coconut. If composition is too sandy added 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt.
Adaugam compozitia intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si o dam la cuptor 20 de minute.
Add mixture to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and give the oven for 20 minutes.
O taiem in cubulete cand este inca fierbinte.
Cut into cubes while still hot.
Facem siropul din apa, zahar si esenta. Il turnam fierbinte dupa ce portionam prajitura. Adaugam deasupra niste nuca de cocos.
We make syrup bye water, sugar, and essence. You put the syrup hot after cake portion. Add some coconut on top.
Se serveste rece.
Serve cold.
Pofta buna!
sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2012
Pui in sos de parmezan / Chicken with parmesan sauce
- piept de pui
- parmezan ras
- 200ml smantana pentru gatit
- piper rosu
- marar
- o ceapa rosie
- un cubulet de unt
- Chicken breast
- Grated Parmesan cheese
- 200 ml cooking cream
- Red pepper
- dill
- A red onion
- A butter cubes
Calim ceapa si pieptul de pui in unt. Adaugam piperul rosu cand este aproape gata.
Fry onion and chicken in butter. Add red pepper when it is almost ready.
Adaugam smantana pentru gatit si parmezanul. Amestecam bine.
Add cooking cream and parmesan. Mix well.
Cand incepe sa fiarba adaugam mararul tocat marunt.
When it starts to boil add the chopped dill.
Se serveste fierbinte pe paste.
Serve hot over pasta.
Pofta buna!
miercuri, 19 septembrie 2012
Budinca de vanilie / Vanilla pudding
- 2 galbenusuri
- o lingura de amidon
- o esenta de vanilie
- 500ml lapte
- zahar
- lapte condensat
- 2 yolks
- A tablespoon thickener
- A vanilla
- 500ml milk
- sugar
- condensed milk
Punem laptele la fiert. Galbenusurile le frecam bine cu zahar.
Put milk to boil. Rub the yolks well with sugar.
Cand laptele s-a incalzit, adaugam galbenusurile amestecand continuu.
When milk is heated, add the yolks stirring constantly.
Cand budinca incepe sa se ingroase, adaugam laptele condensat.
When pudding begins to thicken, add the condensed milk.
Dizolvam amidonul in 2 linguri de lapte rece, si il adaugam in budinca. Adaugam esenta si continuam sa amestecam.
Dissolved in 2 tablespoons cold milk the thickener and add to the pudding. Add essence and keep stirring.
Mai lasam 2 minute si este gata.
Leave 2 minutes and is ready.
Pofta buna!
Mic dejun rapid / Quick breakfast
- oua
- paine
- putin unt
- eggs
- bread
- Some butter
Taiem painea in felii mai groase si o ungem pe fiecare parte cu putin unt. O punem la prajit intr-o tigaie de teflon. La aceasta reteta nu vom folosi deloc ulei.
Cut bread into thick slices and anoint each side with a little butter. We fried in a teflon pan. At this recipe we will not use oil.
Facem o scobitura in felia de paine.
Make a notch in the slice of bread.
Punem din nou felia de paine in tigaie si spargem oul in scobitura.
We put the slice of bread in the pan and break the egg into the hollow.
Leave 1-2 minutes and then turn slices.
Am servit cu salata de rosii si telemea.
I served with tomato salad and cheese.
Pofta buna!
luni, 17 septembrie 2012
- malai
- telemea
- unt
- carnati
- cornmeal
- cheese
- butter
- sausages
Facem o mamaliga mai tare.
Make a stronger polenta.
Carnatii ii prajim.
We fry sausages.
Mamaliga o intindem pe un tocator si o lasam sa se raceasca bine.
Stretch Polenta on a cutting board and let it cool well.
Adaugam untul si branza.
Add butter and cheese.
Modelam o forma rotunda din mamaliga si facem o adancitura in mijloc.
Model a round of polenta and make a well in the middle.
In adancitura bagam carnatii.
Stick sausages in the middle.
Invelim bucatile in hartie de copt si dam la cuptor pentru 20 de minute.
Shield in parchment paper and give the oven for 20 minutes.
Am servit cu un ou prajit deasupra.
I served with a fried egg on top.
Pofta buna!
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