luni, 30 iulie 2012
Imam Bayildi - vinete umplute
Imam Bayildi este un preparat vegetarian turcesc, unde principalul ingredient este vanata. Grecii au adaptat reteta folosind si branza iar pe parcurs ce reteta a patruns si in alte tari, preparatul a suferit modificari simtitor, utilizanduse si carne.
Eu am ales varianta originara turceasca dar si pe cea greceasca unde am folosit branza. Ambele sunt delicioase.
Imam bayıldı is a Turkish Vegetarian preparation , where the main ingredient is eggplant. The Greeks adapted the recipe using the cheese .When the recipe entered in other countries, they used meat.
I chose the original Turkish and Greek version. Both are delicious.
- vinete mai lungi
- rosii bine coapte
- 3 cepe
- un ardei iute sau pasta de ardei iute
- 3 catei de usturoi
- patrunjel
- telemea
- Eggplant
- Ripe tomatoes
- 3 onions
- A hot pepper or hot pepper paste
- 3 cloves of garlic
- parsley
- cheese
Vinetele le taiem pe lungime, le scobim si le punem la scurs. Miezul il tocam, nu prea marunt si il punem in tigaie peste ceapa calita usor.
Eggplant cut them lengthwise, scooped them and put them to drain. The core it cut it, not too small and put it over the fried onion .
Rosiile le decojim si le tocam marunt sau le dam pe razatoarea mare. Le adaugam peste vinete dupa ce s-au inmuiat. Usturoiul il strivim si il adaugam si pe el.
Cut tomatoes into small pieces. We add over eggplant after they have softened. Cut Garlic and add it in pan.
Lasam pana scade sosul bine.
La final asezonam cu sare si ardei iute.
Let the sauce until reduced well.
Finally season with salt and hot pepper.
Umplem vinetele cu acest amestec si le punem intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
In jumatate de compozitie am rupt niste temea , am vrut sa fie bucati mai mari si nu rasa si am amestecat bine.
Fill eggplants with this mixture and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
In composition I broke some cheese, I wanted to be big pieces and I do not breed well mixed.
Umplem vinete si cu acest amestec cu branza.
Fill the eggplant with cheese mixture.
Presaram patrunjel tocat si le dam la cuptor la foc mic cca 30 minute.
Sprinkle chopped parsley and give them in the low heat about 30 minutes.
Aroma patrunjelului intra perfect in compozitia de vinete.
Se servesc calde dar si reci.
Pofta buna!
Parsley flavor perfectly enter into eggplant mixture.
Serve warm but they are good and cold.
Bon appetite!
sâmbătă, 28 iulie 2012
Naan - paine indiana
- o cescuta de apa calduta
- 2 linguri de ulei
- faina cat cuprinde
- 4 linguri de smantana
- o lingurita de zahar
- o lingurita de sare
- o lingurita de praf de copt
- putin unt topit pentru uns
- oregano
- A cup of warm water
- 2 tablespoons oil
- Flour as much
- 4 tablespoons sour cream
- A teaspoon of sugar
- A teaspoon of salt
- A teaspoon of baking powder
- A little melted butter for greased
- oregano
Amestecam toate ingredientele pana obtinem un aluat nelipicios si usor de framantat.
Mix all the ingredients to obtain a non-stick dough.
Lasam 30 de minute la crescut intr-un loc cald.
Incingem cuptorul - regula esentiala in coacerea acestei paini.
Formam painicile de diferite marimi, le ungem cu unt topit si presaram oregano deasupra.
Let rise for 30 minutes in a warm place.
Preheat oven - usually essential baking this bread.
We form the bread of different sizes, Brush them with melted butter and sprinkle oregano on top.
Lasam la cuptor pana se rumenesc frumos. Se fac foarte repede.
Se servesc calde dar reci sunt mult mai bune. Le-am tinut acoperite cu un prosop peste noapte , iar dimineata erau foarte fragede .
Leave in oven until nicely browned. They bake very fast.
Serve warm but cold is much better. I keep covered with a towel overnight.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetite!
luni, 23 iulie 2012
Pui cu rosii / Chicken with tomatoes
- 3 pulpe de pui
- rosii coapte
- 2 cepe mari
- o legatura de patrunjel
- harisa - optional
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 3 chicken legs
- Ripe tomatoes
- 2 large onions
- parsley
- Harisa - optional
- 2 cloves of garlic
Calim putin puiul impreuna cu ceapa tocata.
Fry the chicken with chopped onion.
Dupa ce s-au inabusit bine, adaugam rosiile curatate de coaja si tocate marunt si usturoiul strivit.
After they have stifled well, add tomatoes peeled and finely chopped and crushed garlic.
Acoperim cu apa si lasam sa scada pana ajunge la consistenta dorita.
La sfarsit adaugam harisa pentru un gust picant si patrunjelul.
Cover with water and let it boil until it reaches desired consistency.
Finally we add Harisa and parsley.
Se serveste fierbinte simplu sau cu orice garnitura va place.
Serve hot with any garnish you like.
Pofta buna!
Bon appetite!
duminică, 15 iulie 2012
Clatite cu carne / Pancakes with meat
In urma concursului
am castigat o tigaie pentru clatite Fissler. Multumesc din suflet pentru acest premiu!
Este o tigaie de calitate necesara in bucatarie. Suprafata antiaderenta face ca clatita sa iasa perfecta, fara a se lipi sau a se destrama.
Si pe spate:
Following the
CLATIDIADA culinary blogger
I won a pan for pancakes Fissler. Thank you very much for this award!
It is a frying pan as needed in the kitchen. Non-stick surface makes the pancake to be perfect, without sticking or falling apart.
CLATIDIADA culinary blogger
I won a pan for pancakes Fissler. Thank you very much for this award!
It is a frying pan as needed in the kitchen. Non-stick surface makes the pancake to be perfect, without sticking or falling apart.
on the
Eu am preparat clatitele in ea foarte usor.
am prepared pancakes in it very easily.
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- faina - flour
- lapte - milk
- 200 g carne tocata - 200 g minced meat
- o cutie de ciuperci - A box of mushrooms
- 2 fire de ceapa verde - 2 onions
- marar - dill
- 2 linguri de sos de soia - 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- o lingurita de harissa - A teaspoon of harissa
- o rotita mica de cascaval - A small wheel of cheese
- un catel de usturoi -
A clove of
Carnea o punem la inabusit. Cand si-a schimbat culoarea adaugam ceapa verde tocata.Dupa ce s-a calit putin ceapa, adaugam sosul de soia, ciupercile, harissa, catelul de usturoi ras pe razatoarea mica si mararul.
After the onion has softened, add soy sauce, mushrooms, harissa, grated garlic clove and dill.
Punem tigaia la incins fara a o mai unge cu ulei si turnam aluat formand clatite subtiri.
batter for
pancakes we
do after
the classic: beat eggs, add milk and flour until the dough like a thicker cream.
Put the pan on fire and grease it with oil and pour the batter to form thin pancakes.
Put the pan on fire and grease it with oil and pour the batter to form thin pancakes.
Intoarcem clatitele cand sunt facute pe o parte.
Flip pancakes when done on one side.
Umplem clatitele cu carne.
the pancakes with meat.
Le asezam intr-o tava unsa cu unt si le bagam la cuptor.
Dupa 15 minute la foc mic, adaugam cascavalul ras.
15 minutes on low heat, add grated cheese.
cheese is melted, pancakes are ready.
Sunt delicioase pentru un pranz copios!
Pofta buna!
They are delicious for a copious lunch!
Bon appetit!
Bon appetit!
miercuri, 11 iulie 2012
Lapte de pasare - Oeufs de neige
Nici nu stiu de unde au scos acest nume pentru acest desert. Foarte aromat si delicat. Imi aduce aminte de copilarie.
I do not know where they took the name for this dessert. Very fragrant and delicate. Reminds me of childhood.
- 1l lapte - 1l milk
- 6 linguri de zahar - 6 tablespoons sugar
- 2 linguri de amidon - 2 tablespoons of starch
- 4 oua - 4 eggs
- o esenta de vanilie - A vanilla
- amaretto - se poate renunta la tarie daca se da si la copii, si se poate inlocui cu inca o sticluta de esenta de vanilie - Amaretto - can be replaced with another bottle of vanilla extract
Punem laptele la fiert cu 2 linguri de zahar. Dupa ce a fiert adaugam esentele, ca sa nu-si piarda din aroma.
Put milk to boil with 2 tablespoons sugar. After boiling add essences,
not lose its flavor.
Separam albusurile de galbenusuri si le batem spuma tare cu 3 linguri de zahar.
Separate the egg yolks and beat them hard foam with 3 tablespoons of sugar.
Luam cu lingurita albus batut spuma si punem in lapte. Focul trebuie dat la mic.
Take a teaspoon of beaten egg white foam and put in milk. The fire must be given to small.
Nu puneti multe lingurite pentru ca mai cresc in volum. Se lasa 1 minut pe o parte si 1 minut pe cealalta parte.
Le scoatem pe o farfurie cu o spumiera.
Do not
put many
spoons because increase in volume. Let 1 minutes on one side and 1 minute on the other side.
Them out on a plate with a slotted spoon.
Them out on a plate with a slotted spoon.
Nu va speriati daca isi lasa din lapte. Il scurgeti la loc in oala.
Frecam galbenusurile cu o lingura de zahar si 2 de amidon.
Do not
worry if
they let
milk. Il drain back into the pot.
Rub the yolks with a tablespoon of sugar and 2 of starch.
Rub the yolks with a tablespoon of sugar and 2 of starch.
Cand am epuizat tot albusul de ou, luam cate putin lichid fierbinte si incorporam peste galbenusuri. Amestecati continuu pentru ca galbenusurile sa nu se faca omleta.
Turnam compozitia obtinuta in restul de lapte si amestecam bine pana se ingroasa.
we have exhausted
all egg whites, we incorporate a little hot liquid over the yolks. Stir continuously as not to make scrambled eggs yolks.
Pour in remaining milk obtained and mix well until thick.
Pour in remaining milk obtained and mix well until thick.
Eu am vrut ca acest sos sa fie putin mai gros, dar pentru unul mai subtire puteti sa-l obtineti punand doar o lingura de amidon.
Turnam sos in boluri si deasupra punem bulgarasii .
Cu cat e mai rece este mai bun, de aceea este mai bine sa-l lasam la rece , dar eu nu am rezistat :))
I wanted this sauce to be a little thicker, but for a thinner you can get it just by putting a tablespoon
of starch.
Pour sauce into bowls and put the clouds above.
The more cold is better, so it is better to let it cool, but I could not resist :))
Pour sauce into bowls and put the clouds above.
The more cold is better, so it is better to let it cool, but I could not resist :))
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
marți, 10 iulie 2012
Musaca 2 / Moussaka 2
- 200g carne tocata - 200g minced meat
- vinete coapte - Baked eggplant
- cartofi - potatoes
- o ceapa - An onion
- un ardei - A pepper
- o ceapa - An onion
- 2 rosii - - 2 tomatoes
- un ou - An egg
- 2-3 linguri de smantana - 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream
- 100 ml lapte - 100 ml of milk
- telemea - cheese
- un dovlecel - zucchini
Calim cartofii taiati rondele.
the potatoes.
Intr-o tava unsa cu unt, asezam un strat de cartofi si turnam laptele peste ei.
In a pan
greased with butter, place a layer of potatoes and pour milk over them.
Urmeaza un strat de dovlecel taiat rondele.
Follow a
layer of sliced zucchini.
Vinetele coapte le scurgem foarte bine inainte de a le pune in musaca.
Drain well the cooked eggplant before putting them in moussaka.
Braised meat a little, and add over eggplant. Put grated cheese over the meat, thinly sliced onion, pepper and tomato slices.
Ultimul strat va fi de cartofi si dovlecel.
last layer should
be potatoes and zucchini.
Acoperim cu folie alimentara si dam la cuptor la foc mic, cca 45 de minute.
Cover with foil and give the food in the oven at low heat,
about 45
Scoatem folia si turnam deasupra un amestec dintr-un ou si smantana.
Remove foil and pour over a mixture of egg and cream.
Lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos.
leave in the oven
until nicely browned.
Se serveste fierbinte!
Serve hot!
Pofta buna!
Bon appetit!
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