marți, 3 septembrie 2013

Clatite cu urda si capsuni / Pancakes with ricotta and strawberries

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- lapte - milk
- faina - flour
- urda - ricotta
- capsuni - strawberry

Facem aluatul de clatite din oua, lapte, faina si branza maruntita.
We make pancakes from eggs, milk, flour and shredded cheese.
Turnam cate un polonic de compozitie intr-o tigaie si lasam sa se rumeneasca frumos.

Pour a ladle of  mixture into a pan and let it brown nicely.
Le scoatem pe o farfurie si le ornam cu capsuni. Se poate folosi orice fruct preferat.

Put them on a plate and add the strawberries. You can use any favorite fruit.
Bon appetit!

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