miercuri, 31 octombrie 2018
Sos cu ghimbir / Ginger Sauce
Un sos delicios ce poate fi servit cu o friptura de pui, peste sau porc sau cu o portie de cartofi prajiti!
A delicious sauce that can be served with a roast chicken, fish or pork or with french fries!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 2 linguri de maioneza - 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- 2 linguri de smantana - 2 tablespoons of sour cream
- 2 linguri de iaurt grecesc - 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt
- o lingurita de praf de ghimbir - a teaspoon of ginger powder
- o lingurita de boia dulce - a teaspoon of sweet paprika
- 2-3 catei de usturoi striviti - 2-3 cloves of garlic crushed
- sare dupa gust - Salt to taste
- putin ardei iute - a little hot chili pepper
Punem toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecam bine. Inainte de servire se tine cel putin o ora la frigider.
Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Before serving, keep at least one hour in the refrigerator.
Bon appetit!
luni, 29 octombrie 2018
Pui cu legume ''en papillote'' / Chicken with vegetables '' en papillote ''
O reteta rapida si sanatoasa. Piept de pui suculent , plin de arome si legume coapte cu un strop de ulei de masline.
A quick and healthy recipe. Juicy chicken breast full of flavors and vegetables baked with a drop of olive oil. What can you want more?
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un piept de pui - a chicken breast
- 2 cartofi - 2 potatoes
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- 10 ciuperci - 10 mushrooms
- 2 cepe rosii - 2 red onions
- ulei de masline - olive oil
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
- rozmarin - rosemary
- o lamaie - a lemon
- usturoi - garlic
Incalzim cuptor.
Pe o folie de aluminiu punem jumatate de piept de pui, stropim cu ulei de masline, adaugam sare, piper, rozmarin, usturoiu si zeama de lamaie.
We heat the oven.
On an aluminum foil we put half a chicken breast, sprinkle with olive oil, add salt, pepper, rosemary , garlic and lemon juice.
Legumele le taiem cubulete si le punem in alta folie. Le stropim cu ulei de masline, sare, piper, rozmarin , usturoi si zeama de lamaie.
Vegetables: cut them into cubes and put them in another foil. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic and lemon juice.
Impachetam bine.
Wrap well.
Lasam la cuptor 30 minute la foc mediu.
Leave the oven 30 minutes on medium heat.
Bon appetit!
duminică, 28 octombrie 2018
Colored farfalle with chicken and mascarpone / Paste colorate cu pui si mascarpone
Tocmai am descoperit cum pot folosi brânza mascarpone pentru alte feluri de mâncare decât deserturi și acum mă întreb ce mi-a luat atât de mult timp.
Mascarpone este o brânză foarte moale, cremoasă, cu o dulceață aparte și, deși este minunată în multe dintre rețetele de desert, este , de asemenea, minunata in paste și mâncăruri principale.
I just recently discovered the joy of using mascarpone cheese for dishes other than desserts and now I wonder just what took me so long. Mascarpone is a very soft, creamy cheese with just a hint of sweetness, and although it is wonderful in many of my dessert recipes, it also lends itself wonderfully to pasta and main entree dishes.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- paste colorate - farfelle pasta, or other
short-cut pasta
- 2 piepti de pui taiati marunt - 2 chicken breasts, cut into
bite-sized pieces
- 2 lingurite de ulei de masline - 2 teaspoons extra virgin
olive oil, divided
- sare si piper - salt & pepper
- o ceapa - 1 shallot, chopped
- o lingura de unt - 1 Tablespoon butter
- 2-3 catei de usturoi striviti - garlic cloves, minced
- 2 linguri de mascarpone - 2 tablespoon mascarpone cheese
- 300 ml smantana pentru gatit - 300 ml of cooking cream
- parmezan - parmesan
- salvie - sage
Pentru inceput fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet.
Intr-o cratita, punem
o lingurita de ulei de masline , salvie si adaugam pieptul de pui taiat marunt si
asezonat cu sare si piper. Dupa ce s-a patruns bine il punem pe o farfurie.
Adaugam cealalta lingurita de ulei de masline, adaugam ceapa tocata marunt si o
sotam cam un minut. Adaugam untul, puiul si smantana si pastele. Punem un capac
deasupra. si fierbem 3-4 minute.
Cook pasta in a large
pot of salted boiling water until al dente. Drain then set aside
Heat 1 teaspoon extra
virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, add sage. Season chicken
pieces with salt and pepper then add to skillet and cook until no longer pink
in the center. Remove to a plate then set aside.
Heat remaining
teaspoon oil in skillet then add shallots and saute until they begin to
turn golden brown, 1 minute. Add butter and melt then add the chicken
pieces, cooking cream and pasta then place a lid on top and steam 3-4
mascarponele si amestecam pana se incorporeaza. Adaugam sare si piper daca este
Servim fierbinte cu
mult parmezan deasupra.
Add mascarpone cheese
then stir until smooth. Add more salt and pepper if necessary.
Serve hot with
Parmesan over the top.
Bon appetit!
joi, 25 octombrie 2018
Placinta cu kefir si branza dulce / Kefir and sweet cheese pie
3 straturi de crema de branza , aromata cu vanilie, intre foi fine de placinta. Cea mai buna placinta!
3 layers of cream cheese, flavored with vanilla, between fine pie. The best pie!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg branza dulce - 1 kg of sweet cheese
- 10 oua - 10 eggs
- 250 ml kefir - 250 ml kefir
- 50 ml iaurt - 50 ml of yoghurt
- esenta de vanilie - vanilla essence
- 10 linguri de zahar - 10 tablespoons of sugar
- o lingura de mascarpone - a spoon of mascarpone
- un pachet de foi fine de placinta - a pack of fine pie sheets
- 100 g unt - 100 g butter
Amestecam 8 oua cu 8 linguri de zahar, branza , chefir, iaurt si esenta.
We mixed 8 eggs with 8 tablespoons of sugar, cheese, kefir, yoghurt and essence.
Topim jumatate din cantitatea de unt si incepem sa montam placinta.
Punem o foaie pe fundul tavii, o ungem cu unt topit, mai adaugam inca 2 si turnam o parte din compozitia de branza.
Melt half of the butter and begin to assemble the pie.
Put a sheet on the bottom of the tray, soak it with melted butter, add another 2 and pour some of the cheese composition.
Continuam acest proces de 3 ori si incheiem cu un strat de foi. Deasupra punem restul untului si bagam la cuptor. Se cocace la foc potrivit.
We continue this process 3 times and finish with a sheet of fine pie sheets. Above we put the rest of the butter and cook in the oven. Leave it on medium heat.
Dupa 15 minute, adaugam deasupra : 2 oua batute cu 2 linguri de zahar si mascarpone.
After 15 minutes, add over 2 eggs, beaten with 2 tablespoons sugar and mascarpone.
Lasam la cuptor pana se rumeneste frumos.
Leave in the oven until nicely browned.
Inainte de servire se lasa sa se racoreasca 20 minute acoperita cu un prosop umed.
Before serving, allow to cool for 20 minutes with a wet towel.
Bon appetit!
marți, 23 octombrie 2018
Risotto cu ciuperci / Risotto with mushrooms
Aceasta reteta este absolut delicioasa. Plina de arome si cremoasa, face dintr-un simplu orez un adevarat ospat.
This recipe is absolutely delicious. Flavored and creamy, made from a simple rice a real feast.
Ingrediente / Ingredients:
- 200 g orez - 200 g of rice
- 1 litru supa de pui - 1 l of chicken soup
- 2-3 linguri de mascarpone - 2-3 tablespoons of mascarpone
- 200 g ciuperci intregi (micute) - 200 g mushrooms (small)
- un morcov - a carrot
- o ceapa - an onion
- 3-4 linguri ulei de masline - 3-4 tablespoons olive oil
- 50 g parmezan - 50 g Parmesan
Calim ceapa in uleiul de masline. Adaugam morcovul taiat cubulete, ciupercile intregi si lasam la foc mic 3-4 minute. Adaugam orezul si amestecam continuu timp de 2-3 minute. Turnam 3 sferturi din supa si lasam la foc mic. Verificam din cand in cand si mai adaugam restul supei.
Dupa ce a fiert orezul, adaugam mascarpone si amestecam energic. Punem un capac si lasam 15 minute. Dupa acest timp adaugam parmezanul.
Fry onion in olive oil. Add the carrot cut into the cubes, the mushrooms and leave for 3-4 minutes on low heat. Add the rice and mix continuously for 2-3 minutes. We poured 3/4 of the soup and let it go. We check from time to time and add the rest of the soup.
After boiling the rice, add mascarpone and stir vigorously. Put a lid and leave it for 15 minutes. After this time add the Parmesan cheese.
Bon appetit!
luni, 22 octombrie 2018
Gogosi cu ciocolata / Chocolate donuts
Aceste gogosi sunt un rasfat culinar. Fragede si cu multa ciocolata, sunt pe placul oricarui copil sau adult!
These donuts are a culinary delight. Soft and with lots of chocolate, it's every child's or adult's taste!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 500 g faina - 500 g flour
- 20 g drojdie proaspata - 20 g of fresh yeast
- 230 ml lapte cald - 230 ml of warm milk
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- 100 g zahar - 100 g of sugar
- 100 g unt moale - 100 g soft butter
- o esenta de rom - a essence of rum
- o esenta de vanilie - a vanilla essence
Glazura / Glaze:
- o lingurita unt - a teaspoon of butter
- 300 g nutella - 300 g nutella
- decoratiuni pentru gogosi - Decorations for donuts
Punem faina intr-un bol, adaugam putin lapte cald si drojdia. Lasam 10 minute sa se umfle.
Put the flour in a bowl, add some warm milk and yeast. We spent 10 minutes swelling.
Adaugam tot laptele, oul, esentele si untul.
Add all the milk, egg, essence and butter.
Framantam pana obtinem un aluat care nu se lipseste pe maini. Daca este necesar, mai adaugam faina.
- Knead to obtain a dough that does not stick to hands. If necessary, add the flour.
Lasam la dospit o ora la loc cald.
We leave to rise for an hour in a warm place.
Intindem o foaie groasa de aprox 5- 6 cm si decupam gogosile cu un pahar.
Stretch a sheet of about 5 to 6 cm thick and cut donuts with a glass.
Le punem intr-o tava si le lasam la dospit aprox 15-20 minute.
Le coacem la foc potrivit pana se rumenesc - 20 minute.
Put them in a tray and leave them for about 15-20 minutes.
Bake them at medium heat until crisp - 20 minutes.
Dupa ce s-au racit putin facem glazura. Topim untul , adaugam ciocolata si inmuiem 1-2 ori gogosile.
After they have cooled a little, we make the glaze. Melt butter, add chocolate and soaked them 1-2 times.
Adaugam decoratiunile si le putem servi. Aceste gogosi se pot praji si in ulei incins, dar sunt mai ''sanatoase'' la cuptor.
We add the decorations and we can serve them. These donuts can also be cooked in hot oil, but they are more 'healthy' in the oven.
Bon appetit!
duminică, 14 octombrie 2018
Supa crema de ciuperci / Creamy mushroom soup
Cea mai buna supa crema de ciuperci! Cu un gust intens de ciuperci, crutoane si cateva ciuperci trase putin in ulei de masline si aromate cu cimbru si usturoi. Delicios!
The best mushroom soup! With an intense taste of mushrooms, croutons and a few mushrooms pulled a little in olive oil and flavored with thyme and garlic. Delicious!
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 1 kg de ciuperci champignon - 1 kg of champignon mushrooms
- 500 g ciuperci pleurotus - 500g pleurotus mushroom
- 850 ml supa de legume - 850 ml vegetable soup
- 300 ml smantana pt gatit - 300 ml of sour cream
- 3-4 catei de usturoi - 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 5 galbebusuri - 5 galbebusuri
- cimbru - thyme
- sare si piper - salt and pepper
Punem supa de legume pe foc si adaugam ciupercile. Pastram cateva ciuperci champignon pentru decor.
Put the soup on the fire and add the mushrooms. We kept some champignon mushrooms for decoration.
Dupa ce au fiert ciupercile, adugam sare si le pasam pana obtinem o crema fina. Amestecam smantana cu galbenusurile si turnam in fir subtire in supa. Punem pe foc , adugam usturoiul pisat si amestecam continiuu timp de 7 minute la foc mic.
Ciupercile ramase le tragem in putin ulei de masline cu sare si cimbru.
After the mushrooms have boiled, add the salt and pour into the blender until we get a fine cream. Mix sour cream with yolks and pour in thin wire into soup. Put on the fire, add the crushed garlic and mix for 7 minutes in a low heat.
The remaining mushrooms are fried in a little olive oil with salt and thyme.
Prajim niste paine, o ungem cu putin usturoi si cateva picaturi de ulei de masline.
Se serveste fierbinte!
Pofta buna!
Fry some bread and Brush with a little garlic and a few drops of olive oil.
Serve hot!
Bon Appetite!
marți, 9 octombrie 2018
Salata aromata de cartofi / Tangy Potato Salad
Dacă vă place muștarul, vă va plăcea această combinație. Este, de asemenea, foarte aromat cu tarhon, utilizat în dressing.
If you like a good kick of mustard, you'll love this combination. It's also very flavoured with tarragon, used in dressing.
- 3-4 cartofi fierti - 3-4 boiled potatoes
- 100 g piept de pui - 100 g chiken breast
- 15 ml mustar Dion - 15 ml Dion mustard
- 45 ml ulei masline - 45 ml olive oil
- 30 ml otet din vin alb - 30 ml white wine vinegar
- 75 g ceapa rosie tocata - 75 g chopped red onion
- 125 ml maioneza - 125 ml mayonnaise
- 2 linurite de tarhon uscat - 2 tsp dried tarragon
- un ou fiert - a boiled egg
- o ridiche - a radish
- un castravete - a cucumber
- ardei iute , sare si piper dupa gust - hot pepper, salt and pepper to taste
Pentru inceput pregatim dressingul : amestecam otetul, mustarul si uleiul.
Dupa ce s-au racit cartofii, ii taiem cubulete si ii punem intr-un bol. Adaugam restul ingredientelor.
First prepare the dressing: Mix vinegar, mustard and oil.
After the potatoes have cooled, cut them and place them in a bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients.
Asezonam si le amestecam usor. Lasam cartofii sa absoarba mirodeniile cam 30 de minute inainte de servire.
Season, then toss gently to combine. Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes.
Bon appetit!
luni, 8 octombrie 2018
Cartofi Lionezi cu branza / Lyonnaise Potatoes with cheese
Două ingrediente sunt pregătite separat și apoi împreună pentru a crea o combinație perfectă. Acesti cartofi merg foarte bine cu un fel de mâncare de carne serviți cu un castron de fasole calita în unt. Dar eu am adaugat branza........un gust senzational.
Two simple ingredients are prepared separately and then tossed together to create the perfect combination. These potatoes o very well with a simple meat dish, such us steak or pork chops, serve with a bowl of french beans, tossed in butter.But I added cheese ........ a sensational taste.
Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 900 g cartofi - 900 g potatoes
- 25 g unt - 25 g butter
- 15 ml ulei de masline - 15 ml olive oil
- 2 cepe medii - 2 medium onions
- branza - cheese
Cartofii se curata si se fierb in apa 15 minute. Se scurtg, se lasa sa se racoreasca putin si ii curatam de coaja. Ii feliem subtire.
Scrub the potatoes clean and cook in a large saucepan with plenty of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain the potatoes and leae to cool slightly. When the potatoes are cool enough to handle, peel and finely slice them.
Prajim feliile de cartofi in putin ulei bine incins , pana devin crocanti.
Heat the vegetable oil ad shallow fry the potatoes in two batches until crisp.
Ceapa o taiem julien si o calim in unt pana devine aurie.
Melt the butter with some oil and fry the onion until golden.
Combinam cartofii cu ceapa si branza. Adaugam ulei de masline si branza din belsug. Am folosit o branza de oi cu un gust puternic ce scoate din anonimat aceste 2 ingrediente.
Combine potatoes with onion and cheese. Add olive oil and plenty of cheese. I used a sheep cheese with a strong taste that get from anonymity these two ingredients.
Bon appetit!
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