vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013

Briose cu fructe de padure / Muffins with berries

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 200 g faina - 200 g flour
- 2 lingurite praf de copt - 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 100 g zahar - 100 g sugar
- 1 ou - 1 egg
- 200 ml lapte - 200 ml of milk
- 150 g unt topit si racit - 150 g butter, melted and cooled
- 200 g fructe de padure - 200 g berries
- 200 ml frisca - pentru ornat - 200 ml cream - for garnish

Amestecam faina, praful de copt, zaharul, laptele , oul si untul. 

Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, milk, egg and butter.

Adaugam fructele de pdure si amestecam usor.

Add berries and mix gently.

Turnam compozitia in forme si bagam la cuptor 20-25 de minute.

Pour the mixture into shapes and baked for 20-25 minutes.

Dupa ce s-au racit bine, se orneaza cu frisca.

After they have cooled well, garnish with whipped cream.

Bon appetit!

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