joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

Varza cu coaste afumate la wok / Cabbage with smoked ribs at wok

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- coaste de porc afumate - Smoked pork ribs
- varza proaspata - Fresh cabbage
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- cimbru - thyme
- o ceapa mare - A large onion
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

Calim coastele de porc intr-o lingura de ulei.

Fry the pork ribs in a tablespoon of oil.

Le scoatem si adaugam ceapa tocata. O lasam pana se inmoaie bine si adaugam varza tocata si frecata cu sare.

Remove the ribs and add the chopped onion. Leave until is soft and add shredded cabbage and rub with salt.

Cand varza s-a inmuiat, adaugam pasta de tomate, cimbru si coastele.

When cabbage has softened, add the tomato paste, thyme and ribs.

Lasam la foc mic pana se face bine varza.
Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

Let simmer until cabbage is done well.
Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!

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