luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Orez prajit / Fried rice

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 200g orez fiert - 200 g cooked rice
- 2 oua - 2 eggs
- o ceapa taiat julien - A thinly sliced ​​onion
- morcov - carrot
- ardei rosu - Red pepper
- sare si piper - Salt and pepper

Intr-o tigaie punem la incins 2-3 linguri de ulei de masline. Adaugam orezul cand uleiul este incins si amestecam continuu.

In a pan put  2-3 tablespoons hot olive oil. When the oil is hot add the rice and mix continuously.

Cand orezul capata o culoare mai galbuie adaugam legumele.

When the rice turns a yellowish color add vegetables.

Cand legumele s-au inmuiat, adaugam ouale batute bine si amestecam continuu pentru a nu se forma o omleta.

When the vegetables have softened, add the beaten eggs and mix well continuously to not form an omelette.

Potrivim de sare si piper.
Se serveste fierbinte ca garnitura sau ca atare.

Add salt and pepper.
Serve hot.

Bon appétit!

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