miercuri, 30 ianuarie 2013

Supa de curcan / Turkey soup

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un tacam de curcan - Pieces of turkey
- ceapa - onions
- telina - celery
- pastarnac - parsnips
- morcov - carrot
- ardei kapia - Red pepper
- patrunjel - parsley
- tagliatelle - tagliatelle

Punem carnea la fiert, o spumam de cate ori este necesar si adaugam legumele intregi.

Put meat to cooked  and add whole vegetables.

Dupa ce au fiert legumele, strecuram zeama si pastram 2-3 morcovi fierti.

After cooked vegetables, sneak the soup and keep  2-3 carrots boiled.

Maruntim morcovii pastrati, ii adaugam in supa si punem din nou pe foc. Adaugam sare si pastele. Lasam sa fiarba conform timpului estimat de pe ambalaj. La sfarsit adaugam patrunjelul si supa este gata.

Shredded carrots keep and add to the soup and put back on fire. Add salt and pasta. Let it simmer under estimated time on the package. Finally add the parsley and the soup is ready.

Am adaugat si o feliuta de lamaie, pentru ca mie imi place aroma ei in supa.

I added a slice of lemon, because I like her flavor in the soup.

Bon appétit!

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