joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

Sos pentru peste / Fish sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:

- maioneza - mayonnaise
- 2-3 linguri de smantana - 2-3 tablespoons of cream
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- marar - dill
- lamaie - lemon
- un amestec de condimente pentru peste - A mixture of spices for fish

Peste maioneza adaugam smantana, mararul, 2 lingurite de condiment pentru peste, usturoiul pisat si cateva picaturi de zeama de lamaie.

Over mayonnaise add sour cream, dill, 2 teaspoons seasoning for fish, garlic and a few drops of lemon juice.

Amestecam toate ingredientele bine si potrivim de sare si piper.

Mix all ingredients well and matching salt and pepper.

Se serveste la orice tip de peste. Eu am facut si fara acel condiment special pentru peste si a iesit foarte bun. Fara acel condiment merge la orice tip de friptura.

Serve with any kind of fish. I have done without that particular spice and came very good. Without that spice go to any steak.

Bon appetit!

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