marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Quiche Lorraine

Ingrediente / ingredients:

Pentru aluat/For the dough::

- 225 g faina - 225 g flour
- 150 g unt rece - 150 g cold butter
- un ou - An egg
- un galbenus - an yolk

Pentru umplutura/For the filling:
- bacon sau kaizer - Bacon
- telemea rasa - Cheese 
- 3 oua - 3 eggs
- 200 ml frisca neindulcita - 200 ml unsweetened whipped cream
- nucsoara - nutmeg
- carnati - sausages
- cimbru - thyme

Se amesteca faina cu untul rece, se adauga oual batut si framantam pana se omogenizeaza bine. Invelim aluatul in folie si il tinem la frigider pana pregatim umplutura.

Mix flour with cold butter, add beaten egg and knead well until is smooth. Wrap dough in foil and keep it in the refrigerator until the filling is ready.

Dupa 20 de minute de stat la frigider il intindem cu sucitorul si il punem intr-o forma rotunda unsa cu unt si tapetata cu faina. Intepam foaia de aluat si o bagam la cuptor 15 minute, la foc mic. Dupa 15 minute o scoatem si o ungem cu galbenus.

After 20 minutes in refrigerate we stretch with rolling pin and put it into a round greased with butter and dusted with flour. Prick dough sheet and put in  the oven 15 minutes on low heat. After 15 minutes we  Brush with egg yolk.

Umplutura: prajim baconul si carnatii si batem ouale cu frisca si nucsoara. Punem peste aluat carnatii si baconul, adaugam branza si amestecul de oua.

Filling: fry bacon and sausages and beat eggs with cream , thyme and nutmeg. We put  over the dough sausages and bacon, add cheese and egg mixture.

Punem la cuptor pentru 45 minute la foc mic.

Put in the oven for 45 minutes on low heat.

Se serveste fierbinte dar este delicioasa si rece ( daca mai ramane) :)).

It is delicious served hot but cold (If you still have) :)).

Bon appetite!

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