luni, 25 noiembrie 2013

Carne de curcan in sos de legume / Turkey with vegetable sauce

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- o pulpa de curcan - A turkey leg
- 2 linguri de pasta de tomate - 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 2 morcovi - 2 carrots
- un pastarnac- A parsnip
- o telina mica- A small celery
- o ceapa - An onion
- sare si piper dupa gust - Salt and pepper to taste

- un cub de unt - A cube of butter
- usturoi - garlic

Dezosam pulpa de curcan, iar carnea o calim putin cu un cub de unt.

Fry the turkey meat with a cube of butter.

Legumele le fierbem si le pasam. Diluam pasta de legume pana ajunge la consistenta unei supe-creme. Adaugam pasta de tomate si mai lasam sa fiarba 3-4 minute, la foc mic.

Boil the vegetables  and pass it. Diluted the vegetable pasta until it reaches the consistency of a soup-cream. Add tomato paste and let it simmer for 3-4 minutes on low heat.

Adaugam carnea si usturoiul si mai  lasam sa mai fiarba 10-15 minute. 

Add the meat and garlic and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.

Se serveste fierbinte cu mamaliguta.

Serve hot with polenta.

Bon appetit!

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