luni, 6 ianuarie 2014

Pui rotisat / Homemade roast chicken

De curand mi-am achizitionat o tava cu un dispozitiv pentru a coacerea un pui. Ieri l-am folosit pentru prima oara si a iesit delicios. Am avut si sos pentru ca tot ce s-a scurs din puiul condimentat a ramas in tava, am mai adaugat cativa catei de usturoi , putin vin alb si sosul a  fost gata. Delicios!

Recently I bye a tray with a device for cooking a chicken. Yesterday I used it for the first time and came out delicious. I had sauce because everything that has leaked from the chicken remained in the pan, I added a few cloves of garlic, a little white wine and the sauce was ready. Delicious!

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- un pui - A chicken
- usturoi - garlic
- unt - butter
- cimbru - thyme
- boia dulce sau iute - dupa gust - Paprika sweet or hot - to taste
- sare, piper - Salt and pepper
- vin alb - White wine

Aceasta este tava.

This is the tray.

Frecam untul cu condimente si ungem puiul.

Rub the butter with spices and Brush chicken.

In tava am pus o cana de apa si am mai completat pe parcursul coacerii. Cand puiul este aproape gata am pus cativa catei de usturoi si putin vin alb in tava si a iesit un sos minunat. Dispozitivul l-am umplut cu vin alb si am pus si 2-3 catei de usturoi. Puiul devine aromat si moale in interior iar la suprafata crocant.

In the tray I put a cup of water and I completed during baking. When chicken is almost done I put a few cloves of garlic and white wine in a sauce pan and came out great. I filled the device  with white wine and put 2-3 cloves of garlic. The chicken becomes fragrant and soft on the inside and crispy on the surface.

Se serveste fierbinte cu garnitura preferata.

Serve hot with your favorite garnish.

Bon appetit!

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