miercuri, 19 septembrie 2012

Budinca de vanilie / Vanilla pudding

- 2 galbenusuri
- o lingura de amidon
- o esenta de vanilie
- 500ml lapte
- zahar
- lapte condensat


- 2 yolks
- A tablespoon thickener
- A vanilla
- 500ml milk
- sugar

- condensed milk
Punem laptele la fiert. Galbenusurile le frecam bine cu zahar.

Put milk to boil.  Rub the yolks well with sugar.
Cand laptele s-a incalzit, adaugam galbenusurile amestecand continuu.
When milk is heated, add the yolks stirring constantly.
Cand budinca incepe sa se ingroase, adaugam laptele condensat.

When pudding begins to thicken, add the condensed milk.
Dizolvam amidonul in 2 linguri de lapte rece, si il adaugam in budinca. Adaugam esenta si continuam sa amestecam.

Dissolved in 2 tablespoons cold milk the thickener and add to the pudding. Add essence and keep stirring.
Mai lasam 2 minute si este gata.

Leave 2 minutes and is ready.

Pofta buna!

12 comentarii:

  1. Complimenti per il blog, sei molto brava e trovo ricette interessanti.
    Mi sono unita ai tuoi lettori con piacere.
    Adoro la vaniglia......ma ancor di più questa tua crema!!
    Buona serata a presto.

  2. Foarte bine arata, si e o bunatate! Pup

  3. This looks simple and easy to make, will surely try making this :D

  4. Thank you girls for your comments! try this pudding! you will not regret!

  5. This looks creamy and delicious. I love custards and puddings and your recipe sounds perfeect. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary.

  6. Oh wow, I didn't even need to read the recipe to know I would like this one. Just the picture sold me!

  7. You have a great space n I am ur new follower. do visit my space when you get time.
