luni, 3 septembrie 2012

Chec cu bucatele de ciocolata / Cake with chocolate pieces

- o cana de faina
- o cana de zahar
- 4 oua
- 2 linguri de cacao
- 5 linguri de apa
- 5 linguri de ulei
- o ciocolata neagra
- un praf de copt
- esenta de rom
- esenta de migdale


- A cup of flour
- A cup of sugar
- 4 eggs
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa
- 5 tablespoons water
- 5 tablespoons of oil
- A dark chocolate
- baking powder

- Rum
- Almond extract

Separam albusul de galbenus.

Separate whites from yolks.

Facem un sirop din zahar si apa. Lasam pe foc pana se topeste zaharul.

Make a syrup of sugar and water. Let on fire until sugar melts.
Batem albusurile spuma, si turnam usor siropul, amestecand continuu cu mixerul.
Mix egg whites and pour the syrup slightly, stirring with a mixer.

Luam 2 linguri de albus si amestecam cu cacao.

Take 2 tablespoons of egg white and mix with cocoa.
Adaugam restul de ingrediente. Tapetam o tava cu hartie de copt, turnam amestecul obtinut, iar deasupra compozitia de cacao, formand un model cu o furculita.

Add remaining ingredients. Add baking paper on a tray, pour the mixture obtained and cocoa over mixture, forming a pattern with a fork.

Incalzim cuptorul si bagam tava cu chec. In primele 15 minute nu deschidem usa la cuptor.

Preheat oven and tray cake stuffing. In the first 15 minutes do not open the oven door.
Dupa 15 minute, adaugam deasupra ciocolata taiata bucatele.
After 15 minutes, add the chopped chocolate pieces on top.
Lasam pana se topeste toata ciocolata.
Leave until all the chocolate melts.

Pofta buna!

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