marți, 25 septembrie 2012

File de porc la tava / Spicy pork

- file de porc
- cimbru
- rozmarin
- piper rosu
- usturoi
- o lingura de mustar
- 2 linguri de suc de rosii


- Pork
- thyme
- rosemary
- Red pepper
- Garlic
- A tablespoon of mustard
- 2 tablespoons of tomato juice

Asezam fileurile de porc intr-o tava unsa cu ulei. Amestecam mustarul cu sucul de rosii si ungem fileurile.Le condimentam cu piper rosu, rozmarin , cimbru si usturoi pisat.

We place the pork fillets in a pan greased with oil. Mix mustard with tomato juice and anoint fillets. Season with red pepper, rosemary, thyme and garlic.

Ca garnitura am pus in tava niste cartosi unsi cu acelasi amestec de condimente. Lasam la cuptor pana se patrunde bine carnea, intorcandu-le din cand in cand.

The gasket I put some potatoes in pan anointed with the same mixture of spices.
Leave the oven to cook the meat, turning them occasionally.

Pofta buna!

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