luni, 4 februarie 2013

Paste cu pui / Chicken pasta

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- piept de pui - Chicken breast
- spaghete - spaghetti
- o ceapa - An onion
- 2-3 catei de usturoi - 2-3 cloves of garlic
- 2 linguri de cascaval ras - 2 tablespoons grated cheese
- pasta de tomate - Tomato paste
- piper - pepper
- marar - dill
- masline - olive

Calim ceapa in 2-3 linguri de ulei, iar cand a devenit sticloasa adaugam bucatile de pui.

Fry onion in 2-3 tablespoons of oil, and when became glassy add the chicken pieces.

Dupa ce s-a facut puiul, adaugam usturoiul tocat marunt si maslinele. Eu am folosit masline marinate, dar se pot folosi si simple.

After the chicken is made, add chopped garlic and olives. I used marinated olives, but you can use and simple.

Adaugam pasta de tomate si mai lasam sa fiarba putin.

Add tomato paste and let it simmer a bit.

Adaugam sare si piper dupa gust, mararul tocat marunt si cascavalul.

Add salt and pepper to taste, chopped dill and cheese.

Fierbem spaghetele conform timpului indicat pe ambalaj, le scurgem bine si le adaugam in tigaie peste sos. Amestecam continuu la foc mic vreo 3 minute.

Boil spaghetti according to the time indicated on the package, drain them well and add to the sauce pan. Stirring over low heat about 3 minutes.

Se servesc fierbinti cu parmezan ras.

Serve hot with grated Parmesan cheese.

Bon appétit!

13 comentarii:

  1. La tine o trimit astazi pe Diana.Toata ziua numai paste ar manca.
    Te pup!

  2. Adoro massas, são sempre boas sugestões!

  3. It looks absolutely delicious and mouthwatering!

  4. Tare bine arata si-mi place grozav de mult! Pup

    1. Paula, au fost excelente! As manca paste mereu, in orice fel preparate! Sunt usor de facut si delicioase!

  5. Arata foarte bine. Si mie imi place ca pastele sa fie pline de sos!

    1. Daca n-au sos, nu au gust, asa ma gandesc eu! Si-asa pastele trag tot sosul si mereu fac destul, sa balteasca!

  6. Un adevarat deliciu, pastele :)! Le ador :)!
