vineri, 8 februarie 2013

Prajitura cu ciocolata / Chocolate cake

Ingrediente / ingredients:
- 9 oua - 9 eggs
- un pachet de unt - A package of butter
- 1/2 pachet praf de copt - 1/2 packet of baking powder
- 400 g zahar - 400 g sugar
- 6 linguri de cacao - 6 tablespoons cocoa
- 10 linguri de lapte - 10 tablespoons of milk
- 200 g ciocolata - eu am folosit un amestec de ciocolata neagra si cu lapte - 200 g chocolate - I used a mixture of dark and milk chocolate

Separam ouale si batem albusul spuma tare cu jumatate din cantitatea de zahar.

Separate the eggs and beat whites hard foam with half the sugar.

Renuntam la mixer si cu un tel sau o lingura incorporam 3 linguri de cacao, praful de copt si faina. Amestecam usor ca sa ramana o compozitie pufoasa.

Give up the mixer and with a whisk or spoon incorporate 3 tablespoons cocoa, baking powder and flour. Mix gently to stay fluffy composition.

Compozitia o impartim in 3 portii egale si le intindem pe hartie de copt. Le coacem la foc mic aproximativ 15 minute.

Composition divide it into 3 equal portions and stretch them on baking paper. Bake them over low heat about 15 minutes.

Dupa ce s-au copt, le scoatem din tava cu tot cu hartia de copt si le lasam sa se raceasca bine.

After you have baked, remove from tray complete with baking paper and let them cool well.

Galbenusurile si oul intreg ramas le amestecam cu restul de zahar,  cacao si lapte. Amestecam continuu la foc mic sau (bain-marie) pana se ingroasa.

The whole egg and the yolks and mix them with the remaining sugar, cocoa and milk. Stirring over low heat or (bain-marie) until thick.

Adaugam ciocolata taiata marunt si amestecam pana se topeste. Dam de pe foc si lasam sa se racoreasca putin crema. Adaugam pachetul de unt si amestecam energic sa se topeasca.

Add chopped chocolate and stir until melted. Take off the heat and leave to cool a little cream. Add butter and mix vigorously  to melt.

Cand crema s-a racit, asamblam prajitura. O foaie, crema si tot asa pana incheiem cu crema. Dam la rece. Ideal ar fi sa o lasati pe timpul noptii la frigider. Crema intra mai bine in foi.

When the cream has cooled, assemble the cake. A sheet, cream and so on until we end with cream. Let cool. It would be better to let at the fridge overnight. Cream get better in sheets.

Deasupra am ras ciocolata alba.
Reteta am vazut-o pe blogul  Adinei numai ca ea a folosit si nuci si i-a iesit mai inalta prajitura. Foile au fost mai groase.
A fost un deliciu!

I shaved white chocolate on top.
I saw the recipe on Adina blog but she used nuts and take out higher cake. Sheets were thicker.
It was a delight!

Bon appetit!

22 de comentarii:

  1. Delicioasa si ciocolatoasa... Week-end placut !

    1. Crema asta m-a dat pe spate! Cred ca o sa fac un tort cu aceeasi crema!
      Week-end placut si tie!

  2. Chocolate cake is absolutely the best and yours looks and sounds simple delicious!
    Mary x

  3. Vai,este exact pe gustul meu.Iubesc ciocolata.
    Te pup!

  4. Adica de-a dreptul decadenta prajitura asta minunata!

  5. Ce prajitura delicioasa si ciocolatoasa!! Pupici

  6. What sinful richness! This looks absolutely delicious. I'm a chocolate fan and I'd love a slice of this. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings...Mary

  7. absolument délicieux le chocolat c'est mon péché mignon j'adore
    bonne soirée

  8. This rich and moist chocolate cake looks delicious ! I love the you've added some shaved white chocolate on top :)
